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where did i go wrong?

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after much reading from here and other sites i decided to invest in a ssd for my fsx, though i am wondering if my ssd has issues.

I did a test using HDtune on all my drives to see the difference...

C: 2x 500GB (raid0)....Min. 114. 6, Max. 242.5, average 196.5 (14.1ms access)

D: 1T (single drive/ storage)....Min. 65.3, Max 129.3, average 102.8

SSD: (Single drive)....Min. 118.5, Max. 233.5, average 174.5 (1ms access)

the ssd is a OCZ Vertex 2 60GB...from all i have seen over the net an ssd is meant to be much faster than even a raid setup, other than way much faster access times the access time is lower than my raid.....any ideas why or what i have done wrong

the speeds for the vertex2 ssd is rated at 285MB read/ 275MB write....250MB sustained speeds

the only way it gets anywhere near those speeds is where there no information on that part of the drive, currently i only have fsx, fspassenger, rex and orbx scenery(only) installed

a question for anyone that also uses a ssd, how do you get the speeds of 200+ as i am now at a loss of what to do

thanks for any help

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I think the trick is to not worry about it.  Drives such as these have such fast transfer rates that anything over 100MB/s is a bit like frame rates in FSX, once you get to a certain level it's just numbers.

The SSD should eliminate any stuttering and micro-stuttering inherent in FSX when loading new scenery areas etc.  The by-product of the faster access times is also reductions in Windows and FSX loading times in the order of 30-60%.  Data integrity and lower power requirements are a further bonus.

I had a 64GB Falcon SSD that was supposed to deliver 233 MB/s and in a small section of the test, it did.  But performance across the rest of the drive varied between 65 and 130MB/s, and no amount of defragging re-writing etc made a shred of difference.  But I did enjoy faultless FSX performance and my FSX load times were only 30% of HDD times, so it did everything I asked of it, except produce HD Tune figures.

My advice is not to run any diagnostic tests, just enjoy the faster access and better FSX performance and go flying.

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thanks for that reply, kinda dont feel so bad with the speeds after hearing what your ssd is/was

the one thing i hoped the ssd would fix was the popup trees but unfortunately no (still need the tree cell tweak), although it did help alot compared to when it was on the standard C: drive

the only other issue i still get is at ybbn when flying past the terminal buildings towards the ocean a stutter still there, if i could solve the tree problem and that one stutter at ybbn my fsx would be perfect

thanks again for your responce

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