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Trees on runways etc YSSY


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hello all I am getting trees appearing on my runways and taxiways at YSSY. I believe this has to do with the new AU update and that the new YSSY is now the cause I saw posts about this and tried to do all the good stuff deleting the asobo yssy and editing the content.xml to false and even adding .off to the files in the asobo folder however it seems if i delete it MSFS wants to update each start and puts it back. the .off seems to have no effect and yes I have the latest Flytampa / Orbx YSSY 1.6 installed.


how do I get rid of these dam trees!!!!




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and now for the really strange part.....it's fixed how? I don't know but here is what I did.


For along time now I wanted to create a lighter more gamer FPS friendly windows 10 version. Well I found a way on the net to do this and step by step created a custom lite version I am sure you all know how to do this I am slow at this. Any how I reinstalled my fresh version of lite windows 10 and thankfully i did not have to reinstall MSFS only the the first part of the file and then I told it where it was previously and thank god it loaded up just fine. So I put myself back into YSSY rwy 34 and no trees! Great but I still am curious what caused it in the first place....so if anyone does get the trees and get rid of them I am sure it still would be good to know. Thank you all for help anyway...I'll put this down to PC errors that mankind may never know.....(or will we)! :)



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