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FSX crashes upon saving a flightplan

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I've got this issue since a few days, after installation of the last update from Reality-XP.

The curious thing is that the crash happens when I save a FP while an RXP-GNSS equipped aircraft is loaded in the simulator.

If the a/c is not equipped with an RXP-GNSS the saving process works like a charm.

Since I've got no answer on the RXP forum, may you please tell me if anyone has faced this kind of problems?

I have not been able to save a log of the error. I only get a message and then FSX restarts automatically.

Thank you!

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Ciao Wolter! :)

Yes, RXP (the last GNSS update) is the culprit indeed. I just wanted to know if someone here had my same issue.

I had some answers today on RXP forum, and I've seen others with the same issue.

Let's hope for a quick fix.

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