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Issue with LC North America Graphics


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I purchase OpenLC North America and the graphics were great. I live in Vermont and the Connecticut River stop at the southern boarder

of VT. With LC North America the CT river went right up through Vermont like it is supposed to.

But now, the CT river has reverted back to stopping at the southern board and the graphics for my town are not good.

I verified the files/I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and my graphics are still like FSX......old....

Any suggestions, Please!


Rick Kenyon

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I did the verify files for everything..........no success.

So, I completely uninstalled Orbx through Central and then went through the C\: and deleted every file related to Orbx and then deleted Central.

REloaded and everything is fine!!!!!!!!. I was wrong about LC North America giving graphics for Rivers.

It is actually the Vectors software that does that.


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