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Does EDVY have a Contol Panel Somewhere ?


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Just a curious question.


I have two airports, both by the same developer,  EDVY and EDBJ.


In the User Manual for both there is a reference to the Config Panel so users can customize the scenery more in line with their system's capabailities. EDBJ has a Control Panel, but EDVY just shows a pop-up labelled 'Control panel' but no options listed to enable/disable parts of the scenery. I have FTX Germany South and have enabled that in the EDBJ panel along with disabling some of the 'grass' areas. I am wondering if EDVY has such options somewhere ? Both airport sceneries are running great, looking great, but when I fly in with a more complex aircraft (Carenado, 4096 textures etc..) I take a bit of fps hit, unless I disable some features through the panel - works in EDBJ; wishing I could do same in EDVY.


(Running FSX SP 1&2 with Orbx Global Base, Vector, OpenLC EU, FTX Germany South). Everything Orbx is up to date through Central V4.1.42.



Milan ........

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Hi Doug,


I found the 'Configure' section in Central for each airport, but upon clicking it, here's what I get :


EDBJ works as expected :



but, EDVY, no options actually show :



Puzzling, no ?



Milan ....

Edited by MZee1960
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Hi Doug,


I did the full uninstall and reinstall of EDVY and all is good now. 


I also found a few more other airports in Central like this (now that I went looking to see if other airports had same issue),  ... did same uninstall/reinstall procedure and those also are now fixed with full Control panel options as well.


Thank-you, for this advice,

Milan ........

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