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Help Required - Lots of it!

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:'( Well it was bound to happen - and it did.

I seem to have had  hardware failer - now before I start I relizie that I can only get advise on this forum - so i am not expecting to have this problem fixed - just some really good direction would be just great! ;D

Ok - I turn on the PC - goes to boot up Windows (Vista) - Gets me to password page - then the whole system shuts down - dead.!

Now, my first thought was the HDD - but I have checked that in an external drive on another system and it seems to work fine.

I have installed a new power supply a few weeks ago - might that be a problem?

Could I have cooked somthing ...eg. CPU - Mobo?.....

If anyone can think of or has had the same thing happen to them I would love to hear from you - My guess is that I need to take it to the shop.....

Thanks inadvance...

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Before you do anything drastic like a reinstall, can you open the computer in safe mode?  If you can start it in safe mode you can then check to see what is causing the shutdown.


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Sorry to hear your plight Orion Pilot, here's what I would do:

1. If your computer is overclocked, load your default BIOS settings and run your system at default speeds and settings.

2. Start the OS in Safe Mode (Press F8 before Windows Startup immediately after the BIOS loads, and then select Safe Mode)

3. If the OS successfully loads into Safe Mode, you know that you have a Service or Driver issue. If so, uninstall or rollback any previously installed software, software updates, or drivers.

4. If the OS will not load into Safe Mode, you most likely have one of two things, a corrupted Windows installation or Hardware Failure.

Corrupted Windows Installation:

1. Using your Windows Installation Disc, run the Repair utility that is presented when booting from the CD.

2. If the Repair did not fix it, follow Failing Hardware.

Hardware Failure:

1. Shutdown your PC, open the case and make sure that all the power plugs you installed are properly seated.

2. Remove and reseat all RAM and expansion cards you have installed (Video Card, Sound Card, NIC, etc.).

3. Verify that all unused power cables are safely tucked away and not shorting onto something like the case.

4. Start the PC with the case open and verify that your CPU Fan, Video Card Fan, and other case fans are all running properly. Your issue could be a failed CPU Fan, and the PC is shutting itself down because of a CPU overheat condition (from my own experience...).

And Finally:

1. If none of the above steps fixed it, I would either take the PC to a PC Repairer or format and reinstall Windows.

Hope this helps!

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Awsome help there guy's - thank you very much.!!! ;D

Sorry for my delayed reply - I am working on a few of the suggestions made - once again I appreciate all your help and input.

I will get back to you soon with progress.

Fingers crossed!

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;D Well i must say I am a very happy chappy - thanks to the wonderful support given here.

As suggested by pmanhart - I checked all the cables from the new power supply made sure they were all tucked away neatly - basically pulled everything out down to the mother board and re-plugged everything back in, RAM, CPU, Graphics card - the whole shebang!

Did the final check of everything - then plugged it back in - and blow me down the whole thing worked!!!! ;D

I have had it up and running for 5 hrs now - have done lots of shutdowns and restarts - no problems - Also no Data has been lost (even though most of it has been backed up!)

SO A BIG HUGE thank to everyone for your response - pmanhart - I owe you a cold sherbert - a few in fact THANK YOU! ;D

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It must have been either a loose or bad connection somewhere. :)

I'm happy to see your back up and running, and I'm glad to be of service!

Enjoy some of that beautiful Orbx scenery and don't forget to wave down when flying over Port Orchard (west of Vashon Island). ;)

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