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My system!

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Hey guys,

I'm thinking of going for the PNW + 1S2.

I'm an Fs9'er by all means.. better FPS on my system than FSX on busy areas, however your scenery got me thinking quite a bit.

Few months ago I got a new right which still has its old stuff : P4 3.0ghz, 2gbs ram and 2x 9400GT  512mb each. I can run FSX on any mountain area far from big citys at 25 fps or more in the Mustang; however everytime I get in the air I start getting blurries all around. I already did the .33 tweak on the cfg and few more and that would help jussssssssssst a little bit. Will PNW work nice on fps in my system!? and is there anyways I can take my blurries out!?

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What .33 tweak are you referring to?  If it's the fiber_time_fraction. then .33 is the default.  You should aim for .20 as a figure to increase framerates but at the possible risk of increased blurries.

Also FSX does not support SLI linked video cards.  So having two is actually detrimental to your performance.  Take one of the video cards out and you might well see better performance.

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