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how do you know if your ram is failing?wat to look for?


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hi guys apart from running memtests on ram how would you know if your ram is failing,wat results would i get on my computer to indicate failing ram,question,would it freeze just the game not the whole pc??or would the computer shut down?reason for the question is because im running corsair ram,and i was reading a thread on it about that brand of ram failing,im getting a freeze up on my pc running two screens,with seperate scenery views,it has had memtest run and passed ,any ideas ,cheers just curious thanks.

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If you ran MemTest you should have a clear indication of whether your RAM is good or not. If you restart your computer, right before Windows loads push the Delete key (the same time you would push F8 for Safe Mode) and run the Windows Memory Test from that screen, that's another way to test your RAM... I think... never done it before.

Your problem can be a myriad of things, from overheating hardware (anything could be overheating, RAM, CPU, Video Card, Motherboard...etc), to an unstable overclock, to your Windows drivers.

I feel bad for you timmo with all of the problems you have had... it's too bad I don't live close enough to throw back a couple of beers with ya and spend a couple of hours with your computer Mano-a-Mano.  ;)

If it was me, I would be to the point of making a backup of your important files and reinstalling Windows and therefore FSX...  :( Prior to that of course, downloading the latest drivers from Intel, your motherboard maker, nVidia, Realtek (if you have Realtek sound and LAN, which is usually a common problem for drivers), and having them all on a tidy CD for install afterwards because Windows Update doesn't always give you the best drivers for your hardware.

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Bad RAM = BSOD in my experience.  Not lock ups or CTD, just pure BSOD.

Also, the RAM heavy test of Prime 95 will help identify that.  To contradict my above statement, usually RAM errors in that particular program just result in a thread having a calculation error.

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thanks for your replys phil and valcor,phil my door is always open if you want to catch up for a beer lol ;D,well i have reinstalled,everything including windows 7,all drivers seem to be good,it mainly happens with two screens operating tho,since the overclocking the computer has rebooted on start up and has reset back to default settings in the bios,2.66mhz,is that normal? twice within a month?ive notice vcore voltage is 1.17,and ram volts arround,1.5v,and 1200mhz?wat do you guys think?see how we go.

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Bad RAM = BSOD in my experience.  Not lock ups or CTD, just pure BSOD.

Agreed, one of my 2 GB Dominator modules went tits up (my fault over did the overclocking), BSOD, I removed it and was able to run on a single module until I replaced them.
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well could be the ram in my system too causing the issue,but it has been tested heaps of times but not by me,by my computer shop,but im not convinced with there results,but will see wat happens.

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Well, if I ever make it to Melbourne, I'll take you up on that offer timmo!

What's your motherboard manufacturer? I'm going to do some digging to see if I can give you some more help than just advice off the top of my head.

I hate to see a fellow simmer suffer with flaky hardware...  ;)

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hey phil make sure you do come down under to aussie land ,consider you accomodation is now booked ,at my place .com .mate. ;D ;D,who would ever believe that there is still great people out there ;)update been flying on one monitor only and no freezing,when two monitors are running i get the freeze,only when rex loads the weather,posted heaps of post at the rex forums and the guys are great ,but just like me and and yourself and other ,they have tried everything,to solve my issue but with no remedy,this all started when the pc was overclocked by my brother inlaw,we clocked it at 4.1,and it seemed to run ok,since then there has been freeze ups,it has been tested many times by me and a pc shop,and has not failed the tests,dont know mate,as i said mayby ram,im only guessing now ;D.wish me luck,thanks for you help.

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Guest AS355F

Was this happening before you bought your GTX480?

Those cards run damn hot and I wouldn't be surprised if running the second monitor is causing it to go into a downclocked mode.

If it's overclocked the first thing I would try is running it at stock.

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hi pete thanks for your interest in my issue,this issue has been happening for a long time and i was using a ATI5870 and the problem was happening,i updated to the new evga gtx card 480,but not to try and solve this issue,because this card was getting good feed back i decided to buy it,crazy some poeple would say but i love my sim,and yes the gtx card run arround 80 degrees ,it does run hot,but with this card i still get the freeze issue and i know its hardware related maybe,will see ,cheers ;)and its not overclocked either.

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Well, I'm at a loss timmo.

I Googled, Binged, Yahoo'ed... and could not find any problems that were similar to yours while using the same motherboard.

Has the PC Shop tested your power supply? I remember having a similar problem years ago but very similar, and it ended up being a dying power supply. It was feeding the 24v to the Mobo, but the video card was being shortchanged when it asked for more power. Since you had this problem with a 5870, and it uses a lot less power than a 480, it makes me think otherwise. However, like I said before, I'm shooting in the dark now...  :P

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lol phil it gets to that point some times,i dont think they have tested it mate,i have ordered a 1000wat power supply anyways for my pc,to replace my 750wat supply,i got a good friend who works at a pc supply shop,so i picked one up cheap,its trial and error now ,not to worry mate ill be a bloody expert after solving this issue  ;D ;D ;D,thanks for your research mate,

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