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Orbx products from P3dv4.5 into P3dv5.2

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Hi all,


I have read this recent post, and would like to know if I can follow the same advice?  However, I am wanting to install P3dv5.2 onto a different HDD but on the same pc where my P3dv4.5 is installed.  So, P3dv4.5 is on my A drive and I want to install P3dv5.2 onto my D drive.  Obviously files are installed onto my C drive ( OS ) already with P3dv4.5 and the same thing will again happen when I install v5.2, so I just want to make sure that I should be able follow the advice given in the post that I've copied into mine.


Hope that makes sense! Ha ha,


Many thanks,




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Hi Rory


I think the word "library" gets confused with a few different meanings.


The "Orbx Libraries" are a free product that needs to be installed for the other Orbx products to work, so yes you can install these first to the new library/folder that you can create in a location of your choosing.


The "Libraries" page in Orbx Central is where you can create new library/folder locations...this has nothing to do with the "Orbx Libraries" product.



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