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Request for help from the techies!


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Something very, very odd is happening with my machine and FSX and I need to understand what is happening.

You can see my computer specs in my signature. I have been running my machine for quite a while at 4ghz and my results with FSX and all scenery (including Orbx scenery) is very good.

Here are my machine Bios settings: Asus P6T Rev1 Bios 2101

1600Mhz 7-7-7-21-1N-1.64

BCLK 200

CPU Ratio 20

PCIE Freq 100

DRAM Freq 1603

UCLK Freq 3208

QPI Link 7218 MT/S

cpu voltage 1.325

PPL 1.88

QPI/Dram 1.325

IOH Voltage 1.10


ICH Voltage 1.20


Dram Voltage 1.64


So far so good, and everything works fine.


Recently I allowed My memory sticks to set the computer bios via XMP, yielding settings of:

2000Mhz 9-9-9-24-3N-1.60

CPU Ratio 19

Speedstep Enabled

BCLK Freq 143

PCIE Freq 100

DRAM Freq [DDR3-2006mhz]


QPI Auto

Dram bus voltage 1.60


All other settings AUTO

Result Orbx scenery at max settings at a rock steady (supersmooth) 24/25FPS....... Wtheck?

Could FSX really respond so positively to a memory speed hike that the CPU speed becomes that irrelevant?

The two settings run FSX identically!

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Hi! CPU speed is relevant, what you did is allowing your mobo to find the best overclock possible for you....resulting in stability...your rams at 2000MHz is a lot better than 1600MHz.

You probably had your rams underclocked from 2000MHz down to 1600MHz, please tell me your rams are 2000MHz rams.......LOL......

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Hi! CPU speed is relevant, what you did is allowing your mobo to find the best overclock possible for you....resulting in stability...your rams at 2000MHz is a lot better than 1600MHz.

You probably had your rams underclocked from 2000MHz down to 1600MHz, please tell me your rams are 2000MHz rams.......LOL......

Well it is 2000Mhz memory..... but does 4.0Ghz 7-7-7-24 1n really give the same frames as 2.7Ghz at 9-9-9-24 3N? I am running FSX with sliders completely Maxed (except traffic, and water is at low 2x) REX, GEX and ORBX and these are the frames at 2.7ghz? If that's the case, then the myth of needing to overclock wildly for FSX is looking shaky......

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Well it is 2000Mhz memory..... but does 4.0Ghz 7-7-7-24 1n really give the same frames as 2.7Ghz at 9-9-9-24 3N?

It does on your system!  :)

Like Alain pointed out, this could be because of system stability. Did you run any stability tests with your overclock when the system was at 4.0 Ghz with those timings? If your system is OC too high, cores can fail, killing your performance. For example, before installing a better heatsink/fan and being able to increase my Vcore to a high enough value, my stability testing resulted in cores 2 and 3 shutting down within an hour, leaving all of the processing to cores 1 and 4. Imagine cutting your processing performance in half!

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Hi! CPU speed is relevant, what you did is allowing your mobo to find the best overclock possible for you....resulting in stability...your rams at 2000MHz is a lot better than 1600MHz.

You probably had your rams underclocked from 2000MHz down to 1600MHz, please tell me your rams are 2000MHz rams.......LOL......

Well it is 2000Mhz memory..... but does 4.0Ghz 7-7-7-24 1n really give the same frames as 2.7Ghz at 9-9-9-24 3N? I am running FSX with sliders completely Maxed (except traffic, and water is at low 2x) REX, GEX and ORBX and these are the frames at 2.7ghz? If that's the case, then the myth of needing to overclock wildly for FSX is looking shaky......

LOL.....go in to your bios and disable speedsteep.......CPU at 2.7GHz is at idle not the speed your at running FSX trust me on this one......
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LOL.....go in to your bios and disable speedsteep.......CPU at 2.7GHz is at idle not the speed your at running FSX trust me on this one......

I know, but still far below 4Ghz.

Thank you though, since it seems there was a slight instability and I think I have it fixed!

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LOL.....go in to your bios and disable speedsteep.......CPU at 2.7GHz is at idle not the speed your at running FSX trust me on this one......

I know, but still far below 4Ghz.

Thank you though, since it seems there was a slight instability and I think I have it fixed!

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You are far below 4GHz when your computer is idleling (doing nothing) because speedstep is enable as soon as you use FSX your CPU GHz is going up, disable speedstep and the GHz will always be the same ideling or not
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