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TE UK North Missing File!

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I attach a copy of the missing file. Please unzip and place into 

Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_North_TrueEarth_Custom/objects/landmarks_6

As a cautionary note, your scenery_packs.ini is all layered incorrectly and may well cause issues.

Do you use an organiser to layer your addons?

Do you want me to correctly layer it especially relating to Orbx addons?


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There is something really odd that is moving your scenery_packs layering.

The only thing you need to do is move all the Orbx TE addons plus Laminar London Landmarkes to directly below Global Airports.

I have done it for you in the attached scenery_packs.ini.

It does look as though there have been "pick and mix" type options to activate scenery just like a well known Organiser does, but you say you don't use any organiser. Something is moving the TE addons to near the bottom of the layering which then allows those TE addons to get overwritten.

Good luck and if it happens again remember to just move the TE addon to just under global airports and you should be good to go.

Here is your scenery_packs reworked:)



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If you are adding more addons, then keep a spare copy of the scenery_packs I have sent you. When you add another addon into your custom scenery folder, XP will revise your scenery_packs to include the new addon and probably place it at the top of the scenery_pack.,

You could then take the new scenery_pack entries and place them into your spare copy scenery_packss and and place that spare copy, now with the new added addon included in the the text, into your Custom scenery folder.

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