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Surprised and Delighted

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After running FSX a few more times with the beta Nvdia 257.15 driver, Nhancer disabled, using Nick Needham's NVDIA control panel changes, I can report that there is a sustained and substantial increase in overall smoothness and in my particular case, a 15-20% FPS jump. Here is the reason why:

I have returned my GTX 470 in exchange for a new GTX 480 in the EVGA Step-up program. So, for the next week or two I am once again using my overclocked GTX 275. I was able to increase the FPS Limiter settings from 24 to 30 FPS with 28 FPS being the average doing circuits in an extremely dense Darrington. The lowest FPS on the last circuit I flew was 19 FPS with the highest at 41.5. Subjectively, I could not tell the difference between it and the overclocked GTX 470 I just sent back.

I know, I know, this testimony is incredulous, and admitttedly I did not record the 470 GTX's numbers in exactly the way, however, I can say without a doubt that this 257.15 driver has done something brand new and significant to Nvidia cards, for the 200 series as well as the 400's. All the experimentation is with 8xSQ settings so even though it can not match the 470's 32xAA.

The combination of Nick's and Jesus' tweaks, even 2nd line video cards can take top honors. Very, very impressive! This means a brilliant future for Nvidia cards! Can't wait to see what my new 480 GTX will do when it finally arrives!

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So you can now select 8XSQ in the Nvidia control panel? I believe this is the only reason people run Nhancer, me included.

What are the Nick Needham's NVDIA control panel changes exactly?

If I could hold 22 FPS at YMML and YBBN with AG dense, I'd be very happy.


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You will also find 257.15 included in the new nvidia 3D vision cd v1.27 winvista win7 download, they do not call it a Beta in this download.

As a side note... if you are using nHancer,set the dx10 to crysis compatibility and you will be able to run FSX in 3D with both dx10 and bloom turned on.


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