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Error loading freeware egbb scenery

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So I'm new to X Plane 11 and I am trying to install the freeware egbb scenery, I have installed all the required libraries which took me a while, after all that time I load into x plane to get an error message which says, "Error loading the scenery package: Custom scenery/egbb with static. tdg/, X plane cannot run with this package installed. You may need to remove the custom scenery package. See the log.txt file for detailed error information". 

That is the error message I received and because I'm new to x plane, I don't really know what that means especially the log.txt file as it has about 1000 words in it which I don't have a clue about. Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it. when and if I manage to get this issue fixed, I will be installing a lot more airports and scenery mods for x plane and I don't want this issue to happen again in the future, any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Welcome to the forums. I am afraid there is very little I can do as we are not talking about a support issue for an Orbx addon but for a freeware addon.

I may be able to offer some assistance fi you attach your scenery_packs.ini file for me to look at. Make sure it is an attachment and not a photocoy as i may need to make changes to the contents. The scenry_packs.ini is in your Custom Scenery folder.

Also attach your XP log file 

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