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Accu Feel install problem Orbx Direct

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Referred here by "Nick" A2A forms.  Here is the history of the issue.  Note that there are 2 Orbx libraries in the 

Purchased it and initially could see it in the add-on menu but not in header and no option to manage settings.  Uninstalled and reinstalled to the default location D:\Orbx\Orbx_Library\p3dv5 


Confirmed location

No option in header

Does not appear as an active addon

Please advise if there is a solution or V5 does not support  Thanks


Hello Spad, welcome to the A2A forums and sorry to hear you've had some problems with the Orbx Central installation of Accu-Feel.

Accu-Feel is indeed supported in v5 of P3D. As far as Orbx Central installation goes, have you tried the basic troubleshooting options within their interface? Firstly the "verify files" command shown in your screenshot and also the option under "settings" (the cog icon) and then "help" to "sync simulator"?

A2A Simulations Inc.
Spad611 Airman Basic Posts: 3 Joined: 12 May 2021 Contact: 

Re: Accu-Feel V 2.2 P3D V5


I verified files and synced the simulator It's present here D:\Orbx\Orbx_Library\p3dv5\A2A Accu-Feel (P3D Academic) but does not show as an add on in the simulator addons menu Thoughts?
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Nick - A2A A2A Captain Posts: 11934 Joined: 06 Jun 2014 Location: UK Contact: 

Re: Accu-Feel V 2.2 P3D V5


Okay, thanks for the info. You mention Accu-Feel was initially present in the add-on menu. Did you click on the Accu-Feel option at this time, and if so, did it launch?

It's possible that your antivirus software has quarantined or deleted the "A2A_Feel.dll" and/or the "AccuFeelMenu.dll" upon installation (Bitdefender in particular is prone to deleting files without notification). Please can you check that both of these files are present in the "Modules" folder in the installation?

A2A Simulations Inc.
Spad611 Airman Basic Posts: 3 Joined: 12 May 2021 Contact: 

Re: Accu-Feel V 2.2 P3D V5


Hi Nick
I was not presented with that option. Both files are present in this location: D:\Orbx\Orbx_Library\p3dv5\A2A Accu-Feel (P3D Academic)\Modules. Also I see that I have 2 "Libraries" Is that normally the case? D:\Orbx\Orbx_Library\p3dv5\Orbx Libraries Thanks

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Nick - A2A A2A Captain Posts: 11934 Joined: 06 Jun 2014 Location: UK Contact: 

Re: Accu-Feel V 2.2 P3D V5


Thanks Spad,

It does seem a bit odd to have an Orbx Library folder within an Orbx Library as you describe.

I know the Accu-Sim product page on Orbx Central says that support for A2A products is provided here and I hate to pass the buck, but in this case as it's an installation issue, you may be better off posting on the Orbx forum. The guys over there are the real experts behind Central and its installation logic.

I can still try to help if you'd like, but it might save you time to go direct to Orbx.

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the choice of Orbx Central Library folder is yours, and it looks to have been mis-indentified.


Each library will have inside it a separate folder for each simulator that can use it, named after that simulator,

so that one library can be used for all four simulators if required.


The target should not be that folder, or indeed any folder inside it, as you appear to have set it.

If your installation was correct, then Accufeel would be installed into 

D:\Orbx\Orbx_Library\p3dv5\Orbx Libraries\p3dv5 and if it is not, then it will not work.


I see that you state that the Accufeel files are in

 D:\Orbx\Orbx_Library\p3dv5\A2A Accu-Feel (P3D Academic)


Your target directory in Orbx Central should therefore be 



Once you have it working, the Accufeel entry in the add-ons menu will look like this, with your path to it of course.

You can see that my Library is at H:\Orbx P3D Scenery Library and that Orbx Central has installed

Accufeel into the p3dv5 folder inside that.

I created H:\Orbx P3D Scenery Library, but Orbx Central created the p3dv5 folder.




If you rearrange your files and the target so that Orbx Central can see it, Accufeel will then work.



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Thanks for the reply, Nick.  I resolved the issue by uninstalling all files located in that Library location, deleted the Library settings and then reinstalled Accu-feel. This caused Orbx Central to rebuild the Library and upon loading P3D, the application recognized the installation on initial start up.  All programs installed to the new Library are working fine.  This concern may be marked as resolved.  

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