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I know there have been other posts with this topic, but having tried the suggestions I found in those, I am still stuck. I installed all the dotnet programs, etc suggested by Nick Cooper in a related thread, but the problem is still there. BTW, I have a new mobo, cpu, memory, etc installed, so am for all practical purposes running a more powerful system



meantime, I tried to attach  the Orbx log, but it evidently exceeds size limitations. So, I am pasting it below. Thanks for any help. FWIW, the files do show up as installed in P3D. There are some elevation issues at KASE and KTEX (perhaps elsewhere too,) but I am content to deal with them later.


2021-04-23T19:18:57.448Z [INFO] [Main] - Orbx Central - 4.1.34
2021-04-23T19:18:57.449Z [INFO] [Main] - Windows_NT 6.2.9200
2021-04-23T19:18:57.450Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env APPDATA: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming
2021-04-23T19:18:57.450Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env PROGRAMDATA: C:\ProgramData
2021-04-23T19:18:57.450Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env LOCALAPPDATA: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local
2021-04-23T19:18:57.611Z [INFO] [Main] - Booting splashscreen.
2021-04-23T19:18:58.083Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Loaded
2021-04-23T19:18:58.085Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Refreshing authentication.
2021-04-23T19:18:59.362Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Authentication refreshed.
2021-04-23T19:18:59.363Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Checking for updates...
2021-04-23T19:18:59.364Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Racing update check with timeout...
2021-04-23T19:18:59.364Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2021-04-23T19:19:01.128Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.1.34 is not available (latest version: 4.1.34, downgrade is disallowed).
2021-04-23T19:19:01.129Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] No updates available.
2021-04-23T19:19:01.129Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Boot requested.
2021-04-23T19:19:01.130Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Ready to launch application.
2021-04-23T19:19:01.130Z [INFO] [Main] - Application ready to start.
2021-04-23T19:19:01.131Z [INFO] [Main] - Creating main application window.
2021-04-23T19:19:02.852Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onStartupEvent fired.
2021-04-23T19:19:02.871Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2021-04-23T19:19:02.958Z [INFO] [Central::CartService] - PayPal library inserted.
2021-04-23T19:19:02.962Z [INFO] [Central::AppComponent] - Version 4.1.34
2021-04-23T19:19:03.273Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2021-04-23T19:19:03.277Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onLogin fired.
[Simfinder] Getting FSX coexistence state...
[Simfinder] Co-Existence registry key doesn't exist. Setting coexistence to false.
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\IPACS\Aerofly FS 2
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\IPACS\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator\Settings
[Simfinder] Couldn't find simulator root path at null
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\DovetailGames\FSX
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3
[Simfinder] Couldn't find simulator root path at null
[Simfinder] Starting search for MSFS.
[Simfinder] Searching for UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] MSFS Scanner: LocalUser from process path: "Owner". Effective User: "Owner". Swapping user for search.
[Simfinder] Searching swapped user UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Searching for UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] MSFS Scanner: LocalUser from process path: "Owner". Effective User: "Owner". Swapping user for search.
[Simfinder] Searching swapped user UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Searching for UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] MSFS Scanner: LocalUser from process path: "Owner". Effective User: "Owner". Swapping user for search.
[Simfinder] Searching swapped user UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Searching for MSFS Steam UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find any UserCfg.opt files.
C:\Users\Owner\Saved Games\DCS\Logs\dcs.log
[Simfinder] Found simulators: [p3dv5]
[Simfinder] Coexistence. Not filtering FSX
[Simfinder] Returning simulators to caller: [p3dv5]
2021-04-23T19:19:03.635Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Loading previous simulator from settings.
2021-04-23T19:19:03.638Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Selected Prepar3D v5 at path C:\P3D V5\
2021-04-23T19:19:03.638Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onSimSelected fired.
2021-04-23T19:19:03.640Z [INFO] [Central::LibraryService] - Found 1 libraries.
2021-04-23T19:19:03.659Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2021-04-23T19:19:03.699Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2021-04-23T19:19:03.871Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:19:03.992Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:19:09.068Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:19:12.069Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:19:12.186Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:19:16.790Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Scanning for installed products.
2021-04-23T19:19:16.791Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with OrbxLegacyScanner...
2021-04-23T19:19:16.793Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with LibraryScanner...
2021-04-23T19:19:16.829Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with SodeScanner...
2021-04-23T19:19:16.853Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with CustomScanner...
2021-04-23T19:19:16.909Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Found 40 potential products installed.
2021-04-23T19:19:16.910Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - 2S1 Vashon Island Airport (Orbx 2S1 Vashon Island Airport 1.2.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.910Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - 7WA3 West Wind Airport (Orbx 7WA3 West Wind Airport 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.910Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAC8 Nanaimo Water Aerodrome (Orbx CAC8 Nanaimo Water Aerodrome 1.2.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.910Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAG8 Pender Harbour Seaplane Base (Orbx CAG8 Pender Harbour Seaplane Base 1.1.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.911Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAX6 Ganges Water Aerodrome (Orbx CAX6 Ganges Water Aerodrome 1.0.6 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.911Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CEJ4 Claresholm Industrial Airport (FTX CAN CEJ4 CLARESHOLM INDUSTRIAL VERSION 2.00) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.911Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CEN4 High River Regional Airport (FTX CAN CEN4 HIGH RIVER REGIONAL AIRPORT VERSION 2.10) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.911Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Cityscape Portland (FTX NA KPDX CITYSCAPE VERSION 1.15 March 2016) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.911Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EDBH Barth Stralsund Airport (FTX GLOBAL EDBH BARTH AIRPORT VERSION 1.10 - February 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.911Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EDCG Rügen Airport (FTX GLOBAL EDCG RUGEN AIRPORT VERSION 1.00 - May 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.911Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - ENJA Jan Mayensfield (FTX EU ENJA JAN MAYENSFIELD AIRPORT VERSION 1.20 MAY 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.912Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Airport Pack (Orbx Global Freeware Airports - April 2019) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.912Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global BASE Pack (Orbx Global BASE Pack 1.4.4 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.912Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Buildings HD (Orbx Buildings HD v1.0.0 - June 2019) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.912Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC Africa Mesh and Photoreal (Orbx Global openLC Africa Mesh and Photoreal 1.0.0-rc.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.912Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC Europe (FTX openLC Europe Version 1.31 - June 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.912Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC North America (FTX openLC North America Version 1.20 - January 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.912Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC South America (FTX openLC South America Version 1.00 - July 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.913Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global TerraFlora v2 (Orbx Global TerraFlora v2 1.0.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.913Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Trees HD (Orbx Global Trees HD 1.0.0 - March 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.913Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KHQM Bowerman Airport (Orbx KHQM Bowerman Airport 1.1.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.913Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KPSP Palm Springs International Airport (Orbx KPSP Palm Springs International Airport 1.1.1 - September 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.913Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LIDA Asiago Airport (FTX EU LIDA ASIAGO AIRPORT VERSION 1.10 MARCH 2016) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.913Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LSGK Saanen Airport (FTX GLOBAL LSGK SAANEN AIRPORT VERSION 1.00 MAY 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.914Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LWSK Skopje International Airport (Orbx LWSK Skopje International Airport 1.2.0 - February 2021) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.914Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Central Rockies (Orbx NA Central Rockies 1.6.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.914Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Northern California (Orbx NA Northern California 1.3.1 - June 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.914Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Northern Rockies (Orbx NA Northern Rockies 1.6.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.914Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Fjords (Orbx NA Pacific Fjords 1.5.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.914Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Northwest (Orbx NA Pacific Northwest 1.9.2 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.914Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Northwest Ferries (Orbx NA Pacific Northwest Ferries 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.915Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Southern Alaska (FTX NA SAK Southern Alaska and YT/BC Version 1.60 May 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.915Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Southern California (Orbx NA Southern California 1.1.1 - June 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.915Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx Libraries (Orbx Orbx Libraries 19.7.8 - December 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.915Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx ObjectFlow (Orbx ObjectFlow 3.0.4 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.915Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - USDT Devils Tower (FTX US DEVILS TOWER VERSION 1.00 - April 2015) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.915Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YBLN Busselton Airport (FTX AU YBLN BUSSELTON AIRPORT VERSION 1.5 (SP3) October2009) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.915Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Yosemite National Park (FTX US YOSEMITE VALLEY VERSION 1.00 - September 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.916Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YRC Refuge Cove Seaplane Base (Orbx YRC Refuge Cove Seaplane Base 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:19:16.916Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - SODE SimObject Display Engine ( - Custom - C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\SODE
2021-04-23T19:19:16.922Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installed product analytics.
2021-04-23T19:19:17.266Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:19:17.311Z [INFO] [Central::CartComponent] - Payment preflight completed.
2021-04-23T19:19:20.279Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:19:20.396Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:19:25.637Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:19:28.643Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:19:28.758Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:19:33.858Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:19:36.860Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:19:36.975Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:19:42.066Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:19:45.067Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:19:45.183Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:19:49.671Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Beginning installation of Global Trees HD
{"fullScan":true,"fullDownloadPath":null,"passive":false,"globalBaseInstalled":true,"destination":{"destination":{"name":"Main Library","path":"D:\\Orbx LIBRARY","enabled":true,"directorySizeInBytes":0},"path":"D:\\Orbx LIBRARY\\p3dv5\\Global Trees HD","type":1}}
2021-04-23T19:19:49.674Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Installing to D:\Orbx LIBRARY\p3dv5\Global Trees HD
2021-04-23T19:19:50.073Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Checking if the simulator is running...
2021-04-23T19:19:50.074Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Setting simulator process check cache value.
2021-04-23T19:19:50.269Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:19:50.332Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Check found that sim is not running.
2021-04-23T19:19:50.332Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Actions are allowed.
2021-04-23T19:19:50.333Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Library is ok.
2021-04-23T19:19:50.334Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Simulator is ok.
2021-04-23T19:19:50.334Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: No antirequisites found.
2021-04-23T19:19:50.335Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Trees HD has 0 prerequisite(s).
2021-04-23T19:19:50.682Z [DEBUG] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Requesting download and install for product global-trees from Saturn.
2021-04-23T19:19:53.272Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:19:53.391Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:19:55.792Z [INFO] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Failed to resume the queue.
2021-04-23T19:19:55.794Z [ERROR] [Central::InstallationService] - A communication error occurred when trying to perform this action
2021-04-23T19:19:58.474Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:42:52.464Z [INFO] [Main] - Orbx Central - 4.1.34
2021-04-23T19:42:52.464Z [INFO] [Main] - Windows_NT 6.2.9200
2021-04-23T19:42:52.465Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env APPDATA: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming
2021-04-23T19:42:52.465Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env PROGRAMDATA: C:\ProgramData
2021-04-23T19:42:52.466Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env LOCALAPPDATA: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local
2021-04-23T19:42:52.622Z [INFO] [Main] - Booting splashscreen.
2021-04-23T19:42:53.087Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Loaded
2021-04-23T19:42:53.090Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Refreshing authentication.
2021-04-23T19:42:53.723Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Authentication refreshed.
2021-04-23T19:42:53.724Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Checking for updates...
2021-04-23T19:42:53.725Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Racing update check with timeout...
2021-04-23T19:42:53.725Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2021-04-23T19:42:55.568Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.1.34 is not available (latest version: 4.1.34, downgrade is disallowed).
2021-04-23T19:42:55.569Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] No updates available.
2021-04-23T19:42:55.570Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Boot requested.
2021-04-23T19:42:55.570Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Ready to launch application.
2021-04-23T19:42:55.571Z [INFO] [Main] - Application ready to start.
2021-04-23T19:42:55.571Z [INFO] [Main] - Creating main application window.
2021-04-23T19:42:57.363Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onStartupEvent fired.
2021-04-23T19:42:57.381Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2021-04-23T19:42:57.469Z [INFO] [Central::CartService] - PayPal library inserted.
2021-04-23T19:42:57.472Z [INFO] [Central::AppComponent] - Version 4.1.34
2021-04-23T19:42:58.396Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:42:58.459Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2021-04-23T19:42:58.463Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onLogin fired.
[Simfinder] Getting FSX coexistence state...
[Simfinder] Co-Existence registry key doesn't exist. Setting coexistence to false.
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\IPACS\Aerofly FS 2
2021-04-23T19:42:58.523Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\IPACS\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator\Settings
[Simfinder] Couldn't find simulator root path at null
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\DovetailGames\FSX
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3
[Simfinder] Couldn't find simulator root path at null
2021-04-23T19:42:58.695Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2021-04-23T19:42:58.743Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
[Simfinder] Starting search for MSFS.
[Simfinder] Searching for UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] MSFS Scanner: LocalUser from process path: "Owner". Effective User: "Owner". Swapping user for search.
[Simfinder] Searching swapped user UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Searching for UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] MSFS Scanner: LocalUser from process path: "Owner". Effective User: "Owner". Swapping user for search.
[Simfinder] Searching swapped user UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Searching for UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] MSFS Scanner: LocalUser from process path: "Owner". Effective User: "Owner". Swapping user for search.
[Simfinder] Searching swapped user UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Searching for MSFS Steam UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find any UserCfg.opt files.
C:\Users\Owner\Saved Games\DCS\Logs\dcs.log
[Simfinder] Found simulators: [p3dv5]
[Simfinder] Coexistence. Not filtering FSX
[Simfinder] Returning simulators to caller: [p3dv5]
2021-04-23T19:42:58.814Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Loading previous simulator from settings.
2021-04-23T19:42:58.816Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Selected Prepar3D v5 at path C:\P3D V5\
2021-04-23T19:42:58.816Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onSimSelected fired.
2021-04-23T19:42:58.819Z [INFO] [Central::LibraryService] - Found 1 libraries.
2021-04-23T19:43:03.600Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:43:06.613Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:43:06.731Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:43:11.820Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:43:12.076Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Scanning for installed products.
2021-04-23T19:43:12.077Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with OrbxLegacyScanner...
2021-04-23T19:43:12.080Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with LibraryScanner...
2021-04-23T19:43:12.116Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with SodeScanner...
2021-04-23T19:43:12.141Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with CustomScanner...
2021-04-23T19:43:12.211Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Found 40 potential products installed.
2021-04-23T19:43:12.211Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - 2S1 Vashon Island Airport (Orbx 2S1 Vashon Island Airport 1.2.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.211Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - 7WA3 West Wind Airport (Orbx 7WA3 West Wind Airport 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.212Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAC8 Nanaimo Water Aerodrome (Orbx CAC8 Nanaimo Water Aerodrome 1.2.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.212Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAG8 Pender Harbour Seaplane Base (Orbx CAG8 Pender Harbour Seaplane Base 1.1.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.212Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAX6 Ganges Water Aerodrome (Orbx CAX6 Ganges Water Aerodrome 1.0.6 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.212Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CEJ4 Claresholm Industrial Airport (FTX CAN CEJ4 CLARESHOLM INDUSTRIAL VERSION 2.00) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.212Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CEN4 High River Regional Airport (FTX CAN CEN4 HIGH RIVER REGIONAL AIRPORT VERSION 2.10) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.212Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Cityscape Portland (FTX NA KPDX CITYSCAPE VERSION 1.15 March 2016) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.212Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EDBH Barth Stralsund Airport (FTX GLOBAL EDBH BARTH AIRPORT VERSION 1.10 - February 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.213Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EDCG Rügen Airport (FTX GLOBAL EDCG RUGEN AIRPORT VERSION 1.00 - May 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.213Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - ENJA Jan Mayensfield (FTX EU ENJA JAN MAYENSFIELD AIRPORT VERSION 1.20 MAY 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.213Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Airport Pack (Orbx Global Freeware Airports - April 2019) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.213Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global BASE Pack (Orbx Global BASE Pack 1.4.4 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.213Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Buildings HD (Orbx Buildings HD v1.0.0 - June 2019) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.213Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC Africa Mesh and Photoreal (Orbx Global openLC Africa Mesh and Photoreal 1.0.0-rc.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.214Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC Europe (FTX openLC Europe Version 1.31 - June 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.214Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC North America (FTX openLC North America Version 1.20 - January 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.214Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC South America (FTX openLC South America Version 1.00 - July 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.214Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global TerraFlora v2 (Orbx Global TerraFlora v2 1.0.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.214Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Trees HD (Orbx Global Trees HD 1.0.0 - March 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.214Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KHQM Bowerman Airport (Orbx KHQM Bowerman Airport 1.1.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.214Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KPSP Palm Springs International Airport (Orbx KPSP Palm Springs International Airport 1.1.1 - September 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.215Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LIDA Asiago Airport (FTX EU LIDA ASIAGO AIRPORT VERSION 1.10 MARCH 2016) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.215Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LSGK Saanen Airport (FTX GLOBAL LSGK SAANEN AIRPORT VERSION 1.00 MAY 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.215Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LWSK Skopje International Airport (Orbx LWSK Skopje International Airport 1.2.0 - February 2021) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.215Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Central Rockies (Orbx NA Central Rockies 1.6.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.215Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Northern California (Orbx NA Northern California 1.3.1 - June 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.215Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Northern Rockies (Orbx NA Northern Rockies 1.6.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.216Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Fjords (Orbx NA Pacific Fjords 1.5.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.216Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Northwest (Orbx NA Pacific Northwest 1.9.2 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.216Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Northwest Ferries (Orbx NA Pacific Northwest Ferries 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.216Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Southern Alaska (FTX NA SAK Southern Alaska and YT/BC Version 1.60 May 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.216Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Southern California (Orbx NA Southern California 1.1.1 - June 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.216Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx Libraries (Orbx Orbx Libraries 19.7.8 - December 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.216Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx ObjectFlow (Orbx ObjectFlow 3.0.4 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.217Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - USDT Devils Tower (FTX US DEVILS TOWER VERSION 1.00 - April 2015) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.217Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YBLN Busselton Airport (FTX AU YBLN BUSSELTON AIRPORT VERSION 1.5 (SP3) October2009) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.217Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Yosemite National Park (FTX US YOSEMITE VALLEY VERSION 1.00 - September 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.217Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YRC Refuge Cove Seaplane Base (Orbx YRC Refuge Cove Seaplane Base 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:43:12.217Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - SODE SimObject Display Engine ( - Custom - C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\SODE
2021-04-23T19:43:12.223Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installed product analytics.
2021-04-23T19:43:12.877Z [INFO] [Central::CartComponent] - Payment preflight completed.
2021-04-23T19:43:14.821Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:43:14.939Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:43:20.039Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:43:23.041Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:43:23.158Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:43:28.244Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:43:30.220Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Beginning installation of Global TerraFlora v2
{"fullScan":true,"fullDownloadPath":null,"passive":false,"globalBaseInstalled":true,"destination":{"destination":{"name":"Main Library","path":"D:\\Orbx LIBRARY","enabled":true,"directorySizeInBytes":0},"path":"D:\\Orbx LIBRARY\\p3dv5\\Global TerraFlora v2","type":1}}
2021-04-23T19:43:30.221Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Installing to D:\Orbx LIBRARY\p3dv5\Global TerraFlora v2
2021-04-23T19:43:31.245Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:43:31.363Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:43:31.514Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Checking if the simulator is running...
2021-04-23T19:43:31.514Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Setting simulator process check cache value.
2021-04-23T19:43:31.757Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Check found that sim is not running.
2021-04-23T19:43:31.758Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Actions are allowed.
2021-04-23T19:43:31.759Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Library is ok.
2021-04-23T19:43:31.760Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Simulator is ok.
2021-04-23T19:43:31.760Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: No antirequisites found.
2021-04-23T19:43:31.761Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - TerraFlora v2 has 0 prerequisite(s).
2021-04-23T19:43:32.076Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Reading control panel configuration from D:\Orbx LIBRARY\p3dv5\Global TerraFlora v2\Orbx\Scripts\orbx_cpl_TF2.xml
2021-04-23T19:43:32.108Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Root configuration directory set to D:\Orbx LIBRARY\p3dv5\Global TerraFlora v2\Scenery\Global\Scenery
2021-04-23T19:43:32.108Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option group Heavy Winter
2021-04-23T19:43:32.108Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 Light snow
2021-04-23T19:43:32.109Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is enabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.109Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option Heavy snow
2021-04-23T19:43:32.110Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.110Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option Default snowy trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.110Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.110Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option group Fall
2021-04-23T19:43:32.111Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 Vibrant Colours
2021-04-23T19:43:32.111Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is enabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.111Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 FTX fall trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.111Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.112Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora original fall trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.112Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.112Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option Default fall trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.112Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.112Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option group Spring
2021-04-23T19:43:32.113Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 FTX colour palette
2021-04-23T19:43:32.113Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is enabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.113Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 muted colour spring trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.113Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.114Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora original spring trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.114Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.114Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option Default spring trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.114Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.114Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option group Summer
2021-04-23T19:43:32.114Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 FTX colour palette
2021-04-23T19:43:32.115Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is enabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.115Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 muted colour summer trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.115Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.115Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora original summer trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.116Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.116Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option Default summer trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.116Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.116Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option group Winter (non-snow)
2021-04-23T19:43:32.116Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 FTX colour palette
2021-04-23T19:43:32.117Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is enabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.117Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 muted colour palette
2021-04-23T19:43:32.117Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.117Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora original winter trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.117Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.118Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option Default winter trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.118Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.118Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option group Common, unseasoned trees (tropical palms, jungle and desert vegetation)
2021-04-23T19:43:32.118Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 FTX colour palette
2021-04-23T19:43:32.119Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is enabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.119Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora2 muted common trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.119Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.119Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option TerraFlora original common trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.119Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.119Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Scanning option Default common trees
2021-04-23T19:43:32.120Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Option is disabled and visible
2021-04-23T19:43:32.127Z [INFO] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Saving config state to a cache.
2021-04-23T19:43:32.128Z [INFO] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Setting options to defaults
2021-04-23T19:43:32.129Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Heavy Winter is set to existing state, skipping.
2021-04-23T19:43:32.129Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Fall is set to existing state, skipping.
2021-04-23T19:43:32.129Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Spring is set to existing state, skipping.
2021-04-23T19:43:32.129Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Summer is set to existing state, skipping.
2021-04-23T19:43:32.130Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Winter (non-snow) is set to existing state, skipping.
2021-04-23T19:43:32.130Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Common, unseasoned trees (tropical palms, jungle and desert vegetation) is set to existing state, skipping.
2021-04-23T19:43:32.131Z [DEBUG] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Requesting download and install for product global-tf2 from Saturn.
2021-04-23T19:43:36.446Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:43:37.242Z [INFO] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Failed to resume the queue.
2021-04-23T19:43:37.243Z [ERROR] [Central::InstallationService] - A communication error occurred when trying to perform this action
2021-04-23T19:43:39.447Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:43:39.563Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:43:44.653Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:43:47.655Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:43:47.772Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:43:49.346Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Beginning installation of Global Vector
2021-04-23T19:43:52.861Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:43:55.871Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:43:55.989Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
{"fullDownloadPath":null,"fullScan":false,"passive":false,"globalBaseInstalled":true,"destination":{"destination":{"name":"Main Library","path":"D:\\Orbx LIBRARY","enabled":true,"directorySizeInBytes":0},"path":"D:\\Orbx LIBRARY\\p3dv5\\Global Vector","type":1}}
2021-04-23T19:43:56.699Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Installing to D:\Orbx LIBRARY\p3dv5\Global Vector
2021-04-23T19:43:57.129Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Skipping simulator process check. Using cached value.
2021-04-23T19:43:57.129Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Actions are allowed.
2021-04-23T19:43:57.129Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Library is ok.
2021-04-23T19:43:57.130Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Simulator is ok.
2021-04-23T19:43:57.130Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: No antirequisites found.
2021-04-23T19:43:57.130Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Vector has 0 prerequisite(s).
2021-04-23T19:43:57.131Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Creating D:\Orbx LIBRARY\p3dv5\Global Vector
2021-04-23T19:43:57.493Z [DEBUG] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Requesting download and install for product global-vector-p3dv5 from Saturn.
2021-04-23T19:44:01.082Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:44:02.594Z [INFO] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Failed to resume the queue.
2021-04-23T19:44:02.595Z [ERROR] [Central::InstallationService] - A communication error occurred when trying to perform this action
2021-04-23T19:44:04.087Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:44:04.208Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:44:09.315Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:44:12.316Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:44:12.433Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:44:17.521Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:44:20.525Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:44:20.641Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:44:25.743Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:44:28.750Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:44:28.866Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:44:33.944Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:44:36.952Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:44:37.067Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:44:42.150Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:44:45.155Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:44:45.270Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:44:50.355Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:44:53.367Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:44:53.483Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:44:58.490Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Skipping simulator process check. Using cached value.
2021-04-23T19:44:58.565Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:45:01.566Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:45:01.687Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:45:06.789Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
No response received. Message timed out.
2021-04-23T19:45:09.804Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:45:09.919Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:45:15.014Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:45:18.018Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:45:18.132Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:45:23.223Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:45:26.230Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:45:26.345Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:45:31.443Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:45:34.448Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:45:34.563Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:45:39.657Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:45:42.661Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:45:42.776Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:45:47.864Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:45:50.866Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:45:50.981Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:45:56.080Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:45:59.081Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:45:59.198Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:46:00.618Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2021-04-23T19:46:01.430Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.1.34 is not available (latest version: 4.1.34, downgrade is disallowed).
2021-04-23T19:46:04.289Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:46:06.568Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Skipping simulator process check. Using cached value.
2021-04-23T19:46:07.294Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:46:07.409Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:46:12.501Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:46:15.502Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:46:15.617Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:46:20.716Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:46:23.725Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:46:23.840Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:46:28.007Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Skipping simulator process check. Using cached value.
2021-04-23T19:46:28.931Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:46:30.866Z [INFO] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Scanning for potential libraries...
2021-04-23T19:46:31.932Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:46:32.049Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
No response received. Message timed out.
2021-04-23T19:46:37.148Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:46:40.149Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:46:40.265Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:46:45.362Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:46:48.372Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:46:48.487Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:46:49.193Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Skipping simulator process check. Using cached value.
2021-04-23T19:46:52.287Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Scanning for installed products.
2021-04-23T19:46:52.288Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with OrbxLegacyScanner...
2021-04-23T19:46:52.289Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with LibraryScanner...
2021-04-23T19:46:52.327Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with SodeScanner...
2021-04-23T19:46:52.353Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with CustomScanner...
2021-04-23T19:46:52.429Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Found 40 potential products installed.
2021-04-23T19:46:52.429Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - 2S1 Vashon Island Airport (Orbx 2S1 Vashon Island Airport 1.2.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.430Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - 7WA3 West Wind Airport (Orbx 7WA3 West Wind Airport 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.430Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAC8 Nanaimo Water Aerodrome (Orbx CAC8 Nanaimo Water Aerodrome 1.2.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.430Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAG8 Pender Harbour Seaplane Base (Orbx CAG8 Pender Harbour Seaplane Base 1.1.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.430Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAX6 Ganges Water Aerodrome (Orbx CAX6 Ganges Water Aerodrome 1.0.6 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.430Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CEJ4 Claresholm Industrial Airport (FTX CAN CEJ4 CLARESHOLM INDUSTRIAL VERSION 2.00) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.430Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CEN4 High River Regional Airport (FTX CAN CEN4 HIGH RIVER REGIONAL AIRPORT VERSION 2.10) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.431Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Cityscape Portland (FTX NA KPDX CITYSCAPE VERSION 1.15 March 2016) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.431Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EDBH Barth Stralsund Airport (FTX GLOBAL EDBH BARTH AIRPORT VERSION 1.10 - February 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.431Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EDCG Rügen Airport (FTX GLOBAL EDCG RUGEN AIRPORT VERSION 1.00 - May 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.431Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - ENJA Jan Mayensfield (FTX EU ENJA JAN MAYENSFIELD AIRPORT VERSION 1.20 MAY 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.431Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Airport Pack (Orbx Global Freeware Airports - April 2019) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.431Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global BASE Pack (Orbx Global BASE Pack 1.4.4 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.431Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Buildings HD (Orbx Buildings HD v1.0.0 - June 2019) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.432Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC Africa Mesh and Photoreal (Orbx Global openLC Africa Mesh and Photoreal 1.0.0-rc.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.432Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC Europe (FTX openLC Europe Version 1.31 - June 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.432Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC North America (FTX openLC North America Version 1.20 - January 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.432Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC South America (FTX openLC South America Version 1.00 - July 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.432Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global TerraFlora v2 (Orbx Global TerraFlora v2 1.0.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.432Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Trees HD (Orbx Global Trees HD 1.0.0 - March 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.432Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KHQM Bowerman Airport (Orbx KHQM Bowerman Airport 1.1.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.433Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KPSP Palm Springs International Airport (Orbx KPSP Palm Springs International Airport 1.1.1 - September 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.433Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LIDA Asiago Airport (FTX EU LIDA ASIAGO AIRPORT VERSION 1.10 MARCH 2016) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.433Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LSGK Saanen Airport (FTX GLOBAL LSGK SAANEN AIRPORT VERSION 1.00 MAY 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.433Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LWSK Skopje International Airport (Orbx LWSK Skopje International Airport 1.2.0 - February 2021) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.433Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Central Rockies (Orbx NA Central Rockies 1.6.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.433Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Northern California (Orbx NA Northern California 1.3.1 - June 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.433Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Northern Rockies (Orbx NA Northern Rockies 1.6.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.434Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Fjords (Orbx NA Pacific Fjords 1.5.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.434Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Northwest (Orbx NA Pacific Northwest 1.9.2 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.434Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Northwest Ferries (Orbx NA Pacific Northwest Ferries 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.434Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Southern Alaska (FTX NA SAK Southern Alaska and YT/BC Version 1.60 May 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.434Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Southern California (Orbx NA Southern California 1.1.1 - June 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.434Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx Libraries (Orbx Orbx Libraries 19.7.8 - December 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.435Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx ObjectFlow (Orbx ObjectFlow 3.0.4 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.435Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - USDT Devils Tower (FTX US DEVILS TOWER VERSION 1.00 - April 2015) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.435Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YBLN Busselton Airport (FTX AU YBLN BUSSELTON AIRPORT VERSION 1.5 (SP3) October2009) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.435Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Yosemite National Park (FTX US YOSEMITE VALLEY VERSION 1.00 - September 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.435Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YRC Refuge Cove Seaplane Base (Orbx YRC Refuge Cove Seaplane Base 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:46:52.436Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - SODE SimObject Display Engine ( - Custom - C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\SODE
2021-04-23T19:46:52.438Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Adding D:\Orbx LIBRARY to C:\P3D V5\
2021-04-23T19:46:53.576Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:46:55.137Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Added D:\Orbx LIBRARY as a discovery path.
2021-04-23T19:46:55.138Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Sending sync request
2021-04-23T19:46:56.580Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:46:56.698Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:46:57.132Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Simulator process check cache value has been invalidated.
2021-04-23T19:47:01.775Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:47:04.783Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:47:04.900Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:47:09.985Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:47:12.986Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:47:13.103Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:47:19.988Z [INFO] [Main] - Orbx Central - 4.1.34
2021-04-23T19:47:19.989Z [INFO] [Main] - Windows_NT 6.2.9200
2021-04-23T19:47:19.990Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env APPDATA: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming
2021-04-23T19:47:19.990Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env PROGRAMDATA: C:\ProgramData
2021-04-23T19:47:19.990Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env LOCALAPPDATA: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local
2021-04-23T19:47:20.147Z [INFO] [Main] - Booting splashscreen.
2021-04-23T19:47:20.608Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Loaded
2021-04-23T19:47:20.610Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Refreshing authentication.
2021-04-23T19:47:21.134Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Authentication refreshed.
2021-04-23T19:47:21.136Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Checking for updates...
2021-04-23T19:47:21.136Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Racing update check with timeout...
2021-04-23T19:47:21.137Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2021-04-23T19:47:23.712Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.1.34 is not available (latest version: 4.1.34, downgrade is disallowed).
2021-04-23T19:47:23.713Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] No updates available.
2021-04-23T19:47:23.714Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Boot requested.
2021-04-23T19:47:23.714Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Ready to launch application.
2021-04-23T19:47:23.715Z [INFO] [Main] - Application ready to start.
2021-04-23T19:47:23.715Z [INFO] [Main] - Creating main application window.
2021-04-23T19:47:25.679Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onStartupEvent fired.
2021-04-23T19:47:25.697Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2021-04-23T19:47:25.779Z [INFO] [Central::CartService] - PayPal library inserted.
2021-04-23T19:47:25.782Z [INFO] [Central::AppComponent] - Version 4.1.34
2021-04-23T19:47:26.133Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2021-04-23T19:47:26.137Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onLogin fired.
[Simfinder] Getting FSX coexistence state...
[Simfinder] Co-Existence registry key doesn't exist. Setting coexistence to false.
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\IPACS\Aerofly FS 2
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\IPACS\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator\Settings
[Simfinder] Couldn't find simulator root path at null
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\DovetailGames\FSX
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3
[Simfinder] Couldn't find simulator root path at null
[Simfinder] Starting search for MSFS.
[Simfinder] Searching for UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] MSFS Scanner: LocalUser from process path: "Owner". Effective User: "Owner". Swapping user for search.
[Simfinder] Searching swapped user UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Searching for UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] MSFS Scanner: LocalUser from process path: "Owner". Effective User: "Owner". Swapping user for search.
[Simfinder] Searching swapped user UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Searching for UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] MSFS Scanner: LocalUser from process path: "Owner". Effective User: "Owner". Swapping user for search.
[Simfinder] Searching swapped user UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Searching for MSFS Steam UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find UserCfg.opt at path: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
[Simfinder] Couldn't find any UserCfg.opt files.
C:\Users\Owner\Saved Games\DCS\Logs\dcs.log
[Simfinder] Found simulators: [p3dv5]
[Simfinder] Coexistence. Not filtering FSX
[Simfinder] Returning simulators to caller: [p3dv5]
2021-04-23T19:47:26.497Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Loading previous simulator from settings.
2021-04-23T19:47:26.499Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Selected Prepar3D v5 at path C:\P3D V5\
2021-04-23T19:47:26.500Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onSimSelected fired.
2021-04-23T19:47:26.502Z [INFO] [Central::LibraryService] - Found 1 libraries.
2021-04-23T19:47:26.599Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2021-04-23T19:47:26.641Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2021-04-23T19:47:26.704Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:47:26.825Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:47:31.905Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:47:34.920Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:47:35.037Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:47:40.131Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:47:40.745Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Scanning for installed products.
2021-04-23T19:47:40.746Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with OrbxLegacyScanner...
2021-04-23T19:47:40.748Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with LibraryScanner...
2021-04-23T19:47:40.786Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with SodeScanner...
2021-04-23T19:47:40.811Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Prepar3D v5 products with CustomScanner...
2021-04-23T19:47:40.883Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Found 40 potential products installed.
2021-04-23T19:47:40.883Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - 2S1 Vashon Island Airport (Orbx 2S1 Vashon Island Airport 1.2.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.884Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - 7WA3 West Wind Airport (Orbx 7WA3 West Wind Airport 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.884Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAC8 Nanaimo Water Aerodrome (Orbx CAC8 Nanaimo Water Aerodrome 1.2.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.884Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAG8 Pender Harbour Seaplane Base (Orbx CAG8 Pender Harbour Seaplane Base 1.1.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.884Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CAX6 Ganges Water Aerodrome (Orbx CAX6 Ganges Water Aerodrome 1.0.6 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.884Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CEJ4 Claresholm Industrial Airport (FTX CAN CEJ4 CLARESHOLM INDUSTRIAL VERSION 2.00) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.884Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CEN4 High River Regional Airport (FTX CAN CEN4 HIGH RIVER REGIONAL AIRPORT VERSION 2.10) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.885Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Cityscape Portland (FTX NA KPDX CITYSCAPE VERSION 1.15 March 2016) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.885Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EDBH Barth Stralsund Airport (FTX GLOBAL EDBH BARTH AIRPORT VERSION 1.10 - February 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.885Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EDCG Rügen Airport (FTX GLOBAL EDCG RUGEN AIRPORT VERSION 1.00 - May 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.885Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - ENJA Jan Mayensfield (FTX EU ENJA JAN MAYENSFIELD AIRPORT VERSION 1.20 MAY 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.885Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Airport Pack (Orbx Global Freeware Airports - April 2019) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.885Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global BASE Pack (Orbx Global BASE Pack 1.4.4 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.885Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Buildings HD (Orbx Buildings HD v1.0.0 - June 2019) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.886Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC Africa Mesh and Photoreal (Orbx Global openLC Africa Mesh and Photoreal 1.0.0-rc.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.886Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC Europe (FTX openLC Europe Version 1.31 - June 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.886Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC North America (FTX openLC North America Version 1.20 - January 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.886Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC South America (FTX openLC South America Version 1.00 - July 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.886Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global TerraFlora v2 (Orbx Global TerraFlora v2 1.0.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.886Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Trees HD (Orbx Global Trees HD 1.0.0 - March 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.886Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KHQM Bowerman Airport (Orbx KHQM Bowerman Airport 1.1.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.887Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KPSP Palm Springs International Airport (Orbx KPSP Palm Springs International Airport 1.1.1 - September 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.887Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LIDA Asiago Airport (FTX EU LIDA ASIAGO AIRPORT VERSION 1.10 MARCH 2016) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.887Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LSGK Saanen Airport (FTX GLOBAL LSGK SAANEN AIRPORT VERSION 1.00 MAY 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.887Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - LWSK Skopje International Airport (Orbx LWSK Skopje International Airport 1.2.0 - February 2021) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.887Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Central Rockies (Orbx NA Central Rockies 1.6.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.887Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Northern California (Orbx NA Northern California 1.3.1 - June 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.888Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Northern Rockies (Orbx NA Northern Rockies 1.6.1 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.888Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Fjords (Orbx NA Pacific Fjords 1.5.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.888Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Northwest (Orbx NA Pacific Northwest 1.9.2 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.888Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Pacific Northwest Ferries (Orbx NA Pacific Northwest Ferries 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.888Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Southern Alaska (FTX NA SAK Southern Alaska and YT/BC Version 1.60 May 2017) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.888Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Southern California (Orbx NA Southern California 1.1.1 - June 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.888Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx Libraries (Orbx Orbx Libraries 19.7.8 - December 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.889Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx ObjectFlow (Orbx ObjectFlow 3.0.4 - May 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.889Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - USDT Devils Tower (FTX US DEVILS TOWER VERSION 1.00 - April 2015) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.889Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YBLN Busselton Airport (FTX AU YBLN BUSSELTON AIRPORT VERSION 1.5 (SP3) October2009) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.889Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Yosemite National Park (FTX US YOSEMITE VALLEY VERSION 1.00 - September 2014) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.889Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YRC Refuge Cove Seaplane Base (Orbx YRC Refuge Cove Seaplane Base 1.0.1 - April 2020) - Library (Main Library) - D:\Orbx LIBRARY
2021-04-23T19:47:40.889Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - SODE SimObject Display Engine ( - Custom - C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\SODE
2021-04-23T19:47:40.895Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installed product analytics.
2021-04-23T19:47:41.289Z [INFO] [Central::CartComponent] - Payment preflight completed.
2021-04-23T19:47:43.134Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:47:43.251Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:47:48.355Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:47:51.368Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:47:51.483Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:47:56.568Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:47:59.571Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:47:59.686Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:48:04.772Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:48:07.781Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:48:07.897Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:48:12.987Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:48:15.998Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:48:16.113Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:48:21.210Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:48:24.220Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:48:24.335Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:48:29.428Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:48:32.432Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:48:32.547Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:48:37.630Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:48:40.635Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:48:40.752Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:48:45.836Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:48:48.845Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:48:48.961Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:48:54.064Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:48:57.075Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:48:57.190Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:49:02.284Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:49:05.301Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:49:05.416Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:49:10.516Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:49:13.523Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:49:13.639Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:49:18.717Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:49:21.722Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:49:21.837Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:49:26.923Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:49:29.933Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:49:30.048Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:49:35.138Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:49:38.151Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:49:38.267Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:49:43.361Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:49:46.363Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:49:46.479Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:49:51.568Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:49:54.582Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:49:54.697Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:49:59.789Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:50:02.793Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:50:02.910Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:50:08.004Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:50:11.019Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:50:11.135Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:50:16.237Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:50:19.253Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:50:19.369Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:50:24.461Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:50:27.473Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:50:27.590Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:50:32.683Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:50:35.691Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:50:35.807Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:50:40.888Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:50:43.897Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:50:44.013Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:50:49.093Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:50:52.104Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:50:52.219Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:50:57.301Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:51:00.303Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:51:00.420Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:51:05.518Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:51:08.524Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:51:08.640Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:51:13.741Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:51:16.750Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:51:16.867Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:51:21.958Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:51:24.969Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:51:25.085Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:51:30.176Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:51:33.183Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:51:33.300Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:51:38.392Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:51:41.398Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:51:41.514Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:51:46.615Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:51:49.623Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:51:49.739Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:51:54.825Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:51:57.826Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:51:57.943Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:52:03.031Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:52:06.034Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:52:06.151Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:52:11.231Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:52:14.237Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:52:14.354Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:52:19.444Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:52:22.457Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:52:22.575Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:52:25.831Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Checking for outdated products. Found 0.
2021-04-23T19:52:27.657Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:52:30.662Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:52:30.779Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:52:35.877Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:52:38.884Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:52:39.001Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:52:44.119Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:52:47.124Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:52:47.239Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:52:52.330Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:52:55.337Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:52:55.453Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:53:00.568Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:53:03.577Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:53:03.692Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:53:08.773Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:53:11.787Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:53:11.904Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:53:16.986Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:53:20.000Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:53:20.117Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:53:25.210Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:53:28.218Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:53:28.333Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:53:33.424Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:53:36.437Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:53:36.552Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:53:41.640Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:53:44.644Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:53:44.759Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:53:49.836Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:53:52.844Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:53:52.960Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:53:58.052Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:54:01.057Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:54:01.173Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:54:06.271Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:54:09.278Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:54:09.393Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:54:14.488Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:54:17.503Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:54:17.618Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:54:22.705Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:54:25.719Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:54:25.835Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:54:30.917Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:54:33.926Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:54:34.042Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:54:39.146Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:54:42.148Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:54:42.263Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:54:47.359Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:54:50.374Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:54:50.490Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:54:55.589Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:54:58.601Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:54:58.717Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:55:03.813Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:55:06.825Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:55:06.942Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:55:12.028Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:55:15.039Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:55:15.156Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:55:20.238Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:55:23.239Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:55:23.358Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:55:28.457Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:55:31.508Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:55:31.625Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:55:36.720Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:55:39.721Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:55:39.838Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:55:44.918Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null
2021-04-23T19:55:47.920Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2021-04-23T19:55:48.038Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.27
2021-04-23T19:55:53.120Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://Orbx.to/central-guide - closed with code 3762504530 - null

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