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Issues installing/verifying on external NAS

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Hi. I installed TrueEarth US Florida HD onto my NAS drive, but upon finishing, Central reported some errors and suggested the verifying process. It just won't complete, unfortunately. It's beeign stuck at the step I show in my screenshot (preparing / blocks). I already tried aborting and re-starting without any different result.


Any ideas on how I can manage to get Central to proceed? 

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-31 um 13.43.47.png

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4 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

So you are OK now?


The scenery seems to work fine, just like others that sit on my NAS. But of course, my Orbx Central doesn't know it's installed. But I guess, that might only be an issue if I happen to miss an update because of that.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-01 um 11.19.23.png

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