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Hotas Joystick Settings/Sensitivity

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So after a day of messing around trying to find out why this is extremely unflyable, as in all axis are crazy unstable I figured I would reach out to see if other had this problem. I have run nearly every sensitivity setting across X, Y and Z to no avail - some forums indicate for some there is no problem and many others are experiencing the same as myself. Just curious as to the perceptions of others here? 

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I would go to windows control panel where you can test (and usualy also calibrate) the joystick. Move your axis and see how the cross is behaving. If its not fluid here and you see "spikes" in various directions, like it would stutter, you probably have some dirt inside the hotas.


Dust collects there, hairs and whatever, and it can happen that this influences the behavior. You have to open it in that case. But be careful....


Depending on what hotas there are lightsensors that are used for the controls and if a hair or something blocks the light path you have the problem you got.


Not saying thats the problem for you but one of the possible reasons.

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