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LFLL - Lyon - Strange performance issue

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Hi everyone!


I did a search to see if I could find an existing post about this issue but couldn't find one - forgive me if I'm repeating or posting in the wrong forum :)


I bought LFLL via Orbx today (made by Digital Design). It's beautiful! However I have a weird performance issue that i've not seen before! I get smooth frames up until taxying onto the apron and then the drop through the floor. when I taxy off the apron they return to normal.


I wondered if there was some kind of lighting or something on the apron that was killing my frames... can anyone help or point me in the right direction please? :)


Thanks in advance!



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Ah - just found some help there - here was the answer for anyone seeing this post and having the same issues:


Please rename Platform_LY.BGL to Platform_LY.OFF, activate all other features and test it again. This BGL is only needed if you wish to walk through the terminal with the avatar.




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