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TE Florida will not load


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I just bought TE Florida SD and I installed it and the Libraries into my XP Custom Scenery folder and I can not load into Florida.  If I pick an airport outside of Florida I load up no problems, but pick any airport in Florida and my XP loads up until it get to the "reading new scenery files" and then it stops.  i read on the forums about scenery.ini file and global airports and I made sure it was like that. I also read about SAM plug in may cause problems, so I disabled it. I read that it may take longer than normal load times, I waited over 30 minutes and no change.  I am at a lose. If I uninstall TE Florida I have no issues.  What can I do to get this?  

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Welcome to the forums and sorry for your problem.Be aware that trying to discover the cause of your issue from a remote location may take a while and involve you performing some test scenarios.

Do you or did you, receive any error messages when installing TE Florida?

Did you install it directly into the XP directory or into a created library on a different drive?

What type of drive is it installed on, e.g. SSD or normal HDD?

If the installation is error free and installed correctly, then please do the following:

Rename your Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery.BAK

Make a new folder called Custom Scenery.

In the .BAK folder find and right click to make shortcuts for the TE Florida files of Airports/Custom/Overlay and Orthos.

Also make a shortcut for Global Airports.

Place all those shortcuts into the new Custom Scenery folder.Run XP and exit.

Open the scenery_packs.ini and make sure that TE Florida Airports is above Global Airports and that Custom/Overlay and Orthos are below Global Airports in that sequence.

Run XP and choose an airport with TE Florida. Choose an airfield rather than say Tampa  or equally large airport and also a default XP plane like the Cessna 172.

What we are doing here is establishing whether the excessive load time is due to additional addons on the Custom Scenery folder and also if the detail of a payware plane is contributing to the load time. By removing those elements we get a clearer picture.

As you know the first load up of XP can be a long one with the load times improving once it has been run a few times without exiting the programme and only using the Flight Configurator to change locations.

Report back.

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