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True Earth Northern California extreme CPU usage


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P3d 5.1HF1, I have all the Orbx products for California. Also, I have Flight beam KSFO. Flight beams airports are highly performance optimized. After taking off out of KSFO, I get significant stutters. I have a 5.3GHz 8700K, 2080Ti. CPU usage at nearly 100%. I believe it may be true earth because I go somewhere dense such as Boston, where I have US cities Boston and Fly Tampa KBOS, I'm flying around at 60 FPS. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am also getting massive stutters in NorCal and SoCal.  I have worked through every slider and I cannot seem to isolate the problem.  While running ProcessLasso,  the scenery loads just fine for a time, then will suddenly peg to a 100% flatline.   Nothing happens initially, but then you will see blurries, and then no autogen, and then followed by massive stutters some lasting upwards of 1 minute.  


I can induce an episode by 1.) flying fast  or 2.) turning in a new direction towards densely populated terrain.  Pausing the sim and letting it recover will resolve the problem, but only temporarily.


This only happens in True Earth regions.  Please help isolate and resolve this game breaking bug.  5.1 HF1

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Things I have attempted to resolve the issue:

  1. Uninstalled and reinstalled Orbx products.  I have moved critical products, (libraries, buildings) to the M.2 SSD in case it was loading lag.
  2. Moved True Earth NorCal to the M.2 SSD in case that was causing loading lag.
  3. Toggled every individual slider to its lowest setting in the World settings menu to see if I could isolate the issue.


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In conclusion,  nothing has worked to fix this issue.  It's a shame really, because 5.1 with enhanced atmospherics and Orbx True Earth is the most realistic experience of how it really looks in my opinion.


But the stutters and freezes have made the sim unplayable.  Please help me isolate the issue, or work with LM to figure out a way to optimize scenery loading. 


Because whatever is happening isn't working.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Senchay said:

Was this introduced with 5.1 for you? Works fine for me on 5.0. it has higher load of course, compared to open lc but it's not on 100, maybe 85, something like that. No blurriness.


7700k on standard freq, medium to high terrain settings.


Yes, I went from 4.5 to 5.1. Interesting enough, True Earth was running great on 4.5, and 5.1 was introduced as well as DX12 support, performance tanked. 

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Hmm. Just wondering, because I thought about upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1 but if that makes TE worse then I wait.


But now you said you're coming from 4.5, that's another case. I got a noticable boost in performance from 4.5 to 5.0.


Basically it's the opposite for me, had more problems with TE on 4.5, with blurriness etc.


Did you ever check your scenery order and such things? May have impact on it if things are very wrong there. I would brute force some things, like shader deletion etc.


I made some tests 2 days ago on KSFO, with the 787 from wings, with all west US TE add-ons installed. Got a whopping 50 fps on the gate (see pic below, left too is fps counter) in the cockpit. With the CRJ even more. Im flying there often.


I don't think there is an overall problem with TE and v5. How things are with 5.1 i don't know though.


If you need help with shader deletion and such things you can let me know.


System again, 7700k and rtx 2080, 16 gb ram.


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13 hours ago, Senchay said:

Hmm. Just wondering, because I thought about upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1 but if that makes TE worse then I wait.


But now you said you're coming from 4.5, that's another case. I got a noticable boost in performance from 4.5 to 5.0.


Basically it's the opposite for me, had more problems with TE on 4.5, with blurriness etc.


Did you ever check your scenery order and such things? May have impact on it if things are very wrong there. I would brute force some things, like shader deletion etc.


I made some tests 2 days ago on KSFO, with the 787 from wings, with all west US TE add-ons installed. Got a whopping 50 fps on the gate (see pic below, left too is fps counter) in the cockpit. With the CRJ even more. Im flying there often.


I don't think there is an overall problem with TE and v5. How things are with 5.1 i don't know though.


If you need help with shader deletion and such things you can let me know.


System again, 7700k and rtx 2080, 16 gb ram.


I have a higher-end machine so P3D otherwise runs well on my system with most settings on the higher end. Everything was smooth everywhere in 4.5 and even smoother in 5.1 with DX12 support, except in one area...True Earth Northern California. Then as TE Southern California came out...nice smooth takeoff off Burbank then here we go again, max cpu/gpu usage as I pointed towards long Beach. Out of Frustration today I have come to the personal conclusion these scenery packages are too complex for today' PC's, I uninstalled both. Perfectly smooth performance now with normal GPU/CPU usage. 

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  • 1 month later...

So I am happy to report this has been resolved. Apparently this is a well documented issue discussed in the LM P3D forums. Its a native P3D issue and basically causes erratic and high CPU/GPU usage resulting in the stuttering. The fix? Right click the P3D desktop icon, click Compatibility, and check the box 'Disable fullscreen optimizations.' I conducted a test flight from Orbx's KSAN to FlightBeam's KSFO, flying over both TrueEarth Southern and Northern California. There was no noticeable stuttering like before...buttery smooth the whole way. There was some small stuttering approaching San Francisco, due to the scenery loading, however this is normal, nothing like before. 

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  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, POLYMERMAN said:

My P3D4 compatibiloity in Window 7 doesn't havde 'Disable fullscreen optimization"


Yes it won't as "Full Screen Optimisation" is a Windows 10 gaming feature introduced with the Win10 Creators Update.




So nothing to disable in Win7.


Although thinking about it, you can disable aero, but I've found P3d is better with aero.


Cheers QA

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