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XP11.50 CTD after installing Florida HD


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Dear Orbx,


I have recently purchased Florida HD and I'm amazed by the work you put in on this product...however...my xp11 would crash to desktop 5 minutes after takeoff from KMIA Rwy 12.


I will attach my log file once I finish up the registration. Can someone help me to look into the issue please?


BTW I have tried FF A320 and Toliss A319, they both crashed at the same time(5 min after take off) and around the similar alt (5-6000 ft)


Thank you,




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Welcome to the forums.

Sorry about the issues you are having. We need to isolate TE Florida to see if it is the Orbx addon causing the problem or possibly a conflict with another addon you are running.

To do that, please rename your Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery.BAK.

Make a new Custom Scenery folder .

From the .BAK copy, drag the TE Florida files into the new Custom Scenery folder and also Global Airports. Nothing else please.

Run XP and exit. Open the new Custom Scenery and then open the scenery_packs.ini file. Make sure that the layering is like this and if not then manually change.

 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Florida_Airports/

Custom Scenery/Global Airports/

Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Florida_TE_Custom/
Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_US_Florida_TE_Overlay/
Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_Florida_TE_Orthos/ 


Using a default XP plane like the Cirrus, not a 3rd party one, and take a flight from KMIA and report back.

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37 minutes ago, Jon Clarke said:

Welcome to the forums.

Sorry about the issues you are having. We need to isolate TE Florida to see if it is the Orbx addon causing the problem or possibly a conflict with another addon you are running.

To do that, please rename your Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery.BAK.

Make a new Custom Scenery folder .

From the .BAK copy, drag the TE Florida files into the new Custom Scenery folder and also Global Airports. Nothing else please.

Run XP and exit. Open the new Custom Scenery and then open the scenery_packs.ini file. Make sure that the layering is like this and if not then manually change.

 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Florida_Airports/

Custom Scenery/Global Airports/

Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Florida_TE_Custom/
Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_US_Florida_TE_Overlay/
Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_Florida_TE_Orthos/ 


Using a default XP plane like the Cirrus, not a 3rd party one, and take a flight from KMIA and report back.

Hi Jon,


Okay So I have done what you suggested and this time the XP11 would actually crash to desktop while on stage of "Preparing the world". 


I attached the log and few screen shots see if they help.


Thank you,







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The Log tells me nothing I am afraid .

Can you try and just remove all your Plugins temporarily from Resources including all the SAM ones and X-Life. Also remove the shortcuts from the new Custom Scenery folder as shown here:



TE Florida will take quite a time to load up i know it can take some users 5 minutes. I am assuming you have not clicked on your mouse during the loading process as this will cause a potential loading problem.

Are you getting any on screen error messages at all?

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4 minutes ago, Jon Clarke said:

The Log tells me nothing I am afraid .

Can you try and just remove all your Plugins temporarily from Resources including all the SAM ones and X-Life. Also remove the shortcuts from the new Custom Scenery folder as shown here:



TE Florida will take quite a time to load up i know it can take some users 5 minutes. I am assuming you have not clicked on your mouse during the loading process as this will cause a potential loading problem.

Are you getting any on screen error messages at all?

Hi Jon,


I wasn't clicking anything while the XP11 was loading. 


I have tons of plugins installed and remove all of them simply not gonna work for me..plus everything was working just fine until I installed the true earth. However, I am willing to install a fresh copy of XP11 onto anther drive and leaving no plugins and only Florida HD. I will get back to you when that's done.


Thank you,



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JC to JC.:)

None that come to mind straight away. Thanks for trying a 2nd install of XP and no plugins etc. My job is to try and determine if there is an issue with the Orbx addon so what you are going to do is very helpful. Will you be doing a fresh installation of TE Florida or moving the existing files to the new XP? If moving the files then please run the Verify Files option for TE Florida HD to ensure all files are complete.

The best thing to do is to actually uninstall TE Florida and install a fresh download into your new XP.

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19 minutes ago, Jon Clarke said:

JC to JC.:)

None that come to mind straight away. Thanks for trying a 2nd install of XP and no plugins etc. My job is to try and determine if there is an issue with the Orbx addon so what you are going to do is very helpful. Will you be doing a fresh installation of TE Florida or moving the existing files to the new XP? If moving the files then please run the Verify Files option for TE Florida HD to ensure all files are complete.

The best thing to do is to actually uninstall TE Florida and install a fresh download into your new XP.

Hi Jon,


Okay I just tested the newly installed XP11 and it didn't crash on me...however...looks like there was an issue with scenery since all the "roads" are missing. Please see attached screen shot. 


Thank you for your help : )




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Can you post a daytime pic please.

Also have you run the Verify Files option in Orbx Central for TE Florida HD?

Have you opened the Control Panel via the Configuration option to tick the road option you want? I have the SD version installed but the pic below shows the Road texture option.




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6 minutes ago, Jon Clarke said:

You won't have until is is installed. Your pic shows it installing not installed. Your pic doesn't show the Verify Files option yet either.

Like I said Jon...I don't have that tab even when I HAD the scenery installed..like 20 minutes ago. 


Anyway, it's half way done reinstalling it...let's see if it works...if it doesn't...I guess it's just the money in the drain. 



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Yes wait until the process is complete.

You do also have the option of the SD version which is what I use and I see no difference in quality from 1800ft up. The HD version is only really worthwhile if you are a chopper pilot or fly VFR below 2000ft. Even then it is only slightly more noticeable. It takes up less disk space and loads quicker. You may want to consider that option as it is free to you since you bought the HD version. Certainly not money down the drain...yet.

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1 minute ago, Jon Clarke said:

Yes wait until the process is complete.

You do also have the option of the SD version which is what I use and I see no difference in quality from 1800ft up. The HD version is only really worthwhile if you are a chopper pilot or fly VFR below 2000ft. Even then it is only slightly more noticeable. It takes up less disk space and loads quicker. You may want to consider that option as it is free to you since you bought the HD version. Certainly not money down the drain...yet.

Thanks Jon...I will give that a shot if the HD version fails...fingers crossed : )

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Hi Jon,



I think I might found the issue which caused the whole crashing...


I was checking the log file line by line and was able to identify some odd things from SAM library...then I just removed everything which was SAM related and installed brand new copy...it's working smoothly now, with SD version. BTW it did crash once with SD version before I reinstall the SAM.


So with that being sort out, I might be able to get the HD version to work too....but for now, I m once again a happy customer. 


Thank you for your time and help~



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