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KTIW for XPlane 11


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Welcome to the forums.I have no other reports of fps problems at KTIW and do not experience that problem myself so it is going to be very difficult to assist you. Initially please attach your scenery_packs.ini so i can check that. Also advise me of your PC specs and your XP settings

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Hi Jon


I m running in 4K with AA sets at X2.  Lowering the AA setting by one notch get rid of the stutters and FPS issue.  I assume that my config is not powerful enough:

i7-7700K and 1070Ti with 16 Gigs RAM and Windows 10.


My graphic settings are: HDR effect on high; texture size High; AA either none of X2; number of objects medium; reflection none.

No shadow, no parked aircrafts and Vulkan is off (I have stutters with it on).  I m running UWXP for the clouds and the settings are set very low.  I never have fps issue with setting sets this way even at heavily detailed airports.

My Nvidia driver is the latest version.


I ll attach my scenery.ini later today.





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Hi Jon


I m running in 4K with AA sets at X2.  Lowering the AA setting by one notch get rid of the stutters and FPS issue.  I assume that my config is not powerful enough:

i7-7700K and 1070Ti with 16 Gigs RAM and Windows 10.


My graphic settings are: HDR effect on high; texture size High; AA either none of X2; number of objects medium; reflection none.

No shadow, no parked aircrafts and Vulkan is off (I have stutters with it on).  I m running UWXP for the clouds and the settings are set very low.  I never have fps issue with setting sets this way even at heavily detailed airports.

My Nvidia driver is the latest version.


I ll attach my scenery.ini later today.






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Your scenery_packs is OK. Not how I would have it layered but nothing that is causing stutters or fps drops.You do realise that KTIW is designed to be working with TE Washington SD or HD?



Again I doubt f that is a cause of low fps but may introduce some elevation issues.

I still think it is your PC specs and am surprised you feel you cannot use Vulkan which would certainly enhance performance and fps. Have you tried Vulkan with the lower settings you describe?

 Also are you running an ai traffic addon as this could be affecting the fps considering that KSEA is near there?

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Hey Jon


I don t have any traffic addon.  I don t use a lot of pluggin by the way.

XPRealistic 2, UWXP, REP by Simmcoders and that s pretty much it.  I ll try with Vulkan and lowering the setting but I was expevti g to be able to increase the settings with Vulkan which I defenitely can t.

I ll keep you posted.


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Morning Jon


I ve tried with Vulkan anf lowering the graphic settings but I still habe those stutters from time to time which I don t have with OpenGL.

btw, you mentioned True Earth and the aiports being optimized to run with the TE scenery.

I fly exclusively with PilotEdge and therefore I was looking to get WA, OR and NorCal and SoCal TE.  I m just afraid that those will put my PC on its knees.  Should I expect any FPS impact with TE vs my current Ortho4XP sceneries?  

I currebtly do not reach my VRAM limit of 8 gigs (1070 Ti graphic card) since most of the time the texture load reaches around 4 to 5 gigs on the VRAM.



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Depends where you are in the geographical area. Around KLAX in SoCal for example will be very hard for your PC and the same goes for any city type area in the US TE range. The Overlay files in the TE range plus POI files are huge and much more detailed compared to the simplistic orth4xp overlay renditions.

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