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Yesterday I bought PAVD.


I have a very elevation error. Like a sinkhole. 

I tried to solve it with Central AEC > Enable to disable. Verify files. Nothing. Reinstall 3 times. No way.

I search the topics but all I read does not supply.

Also I placed Scenery and Texture from P3D 4.5 to the library. Nothing helps.

I have the idea that it's a damage download. But I have no knowledge what to do now.


I hope you can solved this for me and then not too complicated please. I'm 82 years in my live.


With regards


Joop Verboom/Netherlands.



valdez elevation.JPG

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42 minutes ago, joopverboom@planet.nl said:

But I have no knowledge what to do now.

Hello Joop

If you think it may be a damaged download, uninstall PAVD through Orbx Central, move your backup out of the folder onto your desktop.

Orbx Central will show PAVD ready to install, you will now get a fresh download.

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Hi Smudger,


Thanks you will help me.


I don't know what you mean with backup on my desktop. I don't see such map onto my desktop. Only an icon of Orbx Central 4.

Be so kind to explain me in Dummy language how to do? :-)

It's deleted out the map Orbx in P3D V4.5. I deleted NA xxxxxxxxx. Don't know now what was standing after the NA.









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16 hours ago, joopverboom@planet.nl said:

I don't know what you mean with backup on my desktop

Hello Joop

Open Orbx Central click on Cog icon top right to open Settings, scroll down to Downloader, under Backups is a box = Automatically backup product installs.

If you have ticked that box it will show where those backups will be saved, in there will be the backup for PAVD, that folder is to be moved to your desktop.

If you have not ticked that box, there will not be a backup, and a freshh install would be fully downloaded again

The NA region that contains Valdez is NA Souther Alaska, there was no need to delete that or any NA region, check for a missing one in Orbx Central.

If you did have a damaged download and a fresh download and install is good then you can delete the folder you moved to your desktop.


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2 hours ago, joopverboom@planet.nl said:

But what to do. EDIT

No, if you have ticked the box, as shown in my example, underneath it shows the destination = R:\Download BACKUPS

Go to the destination shown on your Orbx Central and in there will be a folder marked pavd Right Click and hold then drag that folder out on to your desktop, select Move Here from the menu.

Orbx Central cannot see that backup any more and will download a fresh install.

Have you discovered yet which NA region you deleted ?

PAVD folder.jpg

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The problem is not what you told me. That is, (I try to translate), Controlled folders acces has blocked: Orbx Central Worker.exe, so it's impossible to make changes.

I was searching for this problem but the only thing I found was to look for Virus quarantaine/remover, but I can't find this item. Windows Defender.

So it's still wrong with Valdez field.

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Hi Smudger,


First. PAVD is makeing troubles in my normal PC use. Can't make printscreen. Is black. Via USB I could save the plane screen what I see at Valdez.

Second. I deleted PAVD to avoid problems. But I cannot delete the map on my desktop. Then he dissappears he Icon of P3D.

I tried several times but i'm sure that this field is not to install.


I tried an install EDCG Rügen. No problem.


You can see in my screenshot of the Central where the back up was saved. But now I deleted. I can not have troubles with my PC.


But, I appreciate your help. But I thinks this becomes nothing.



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15 hours ago, joopverboom@planet.nl said:

But now I deleted.

Hello Joop

I was going to ask you to uninstall PAVD via Orbx Central and then to delete the PAVD folder from C:\Users\JOOP PC\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup

This would have enabled a full download when install selected in Orbx Central. But you have preceeded me.

I am sorry you are having troubles with your PC and that I could not help you.

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I did several times what you said to me. But no results. 

I just bought PAJN and that's worser yet. When I get the field then direct a crash. Previous I saw the field standing, very bad, elevation wrong, I would make a screenshot but when I ticked on then the crash. First I hear   200 hundred" and the crash. In a second I could see the field was a havoc.

So it's not my PC.


I opened Heathrow, no problem. Goteborg idem dito. Only the Alaska fields. Because I made a brand new installation of PAJN and this is also wrong then I don't believe that your story is good.


I don't dare to buy another Alaska field because I think this new one has the same problems.


Why only problems with these fields. I did the same procedure, you told me, for PAJN but as said, no fix.


I propose that you refund these 2 fields because this costs me my nerves. All other Orbx fields are working well.


I deleted the two fields and now my PC is working perfect.


I.m sorry but this is not to fix.


I appreciate your help but it's wasted  money.


With kindly regards



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2 hours ago, joopverboom@planet.nl said:

I installed NA South Alaska and see.... no problem.


That was remise of me, it does say on the product pages that NA South Alaska is required, I never thought to ask if that was installed.


I am glad that it is sorted and you are a happy man :)

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Hello Smudger,


Here another "problem". I just bought PAYA Yakutat. In the exampel screenshots I see many many trees around the field. But in my field I don't see trees. Not one.


Then what I have. When I install a new airfield of Orbx, then, my Aerosoft Anchorage field changed without lines and runways. Not to see. I got  that 3 times after I installed an Orbx field. How is that possible. 2 times I had to reinstall Anchorage.





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Hello Joop

I see trees close up beside runway 11, elsewhere they are at a distance from the runway.

I am unable to help with the Aerosoft Anchorage as I do not own it.

A Google search for Aerosoft Anchorage and Orbx shows this post



PAYA by rwy11.jpg

PAYA trees.jpg

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