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is non-uniform wave animation possible?


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One of the few remaining 'problems' with FSX that I see is that the wave animations are exactly the same at the edge of a small body of

water as they are in the middle of an ocean or large sea.  If there was a way to create animations in such a way that there would be variations to simulate wind blowing across the water...that would be great.

Is anyone doing this?  is it possible?

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I don't think so.  I don't know of anything in the FSX code that allows animatins to be varied by location or water type.

I have turned off the water effects and I only use 1.x high.  Much more satisfying not seeing ocean waves on inland rivers and lakes.  I don't miss the lack of plasticky looking animated waves on the oceans.

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I actually use 3 different bump maps that seem to give waves in different directions based on the wind direction.

I used the original and rotated it 90 Deg  and placed it on top of the original.

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Maurice - thats an interesting idea.  I use Calm Orbx animation from FEX and water 2.low.  I use FSWC with the settings in my sig line.

I like the effect it produces while flying at low altitudes.  The sky reflections peel off of the waves leaving the water color behind.

I think it makes the water look 'wet'.

i didnt think it was possible to have 'non uniform wave animation' but I thought Id ask.

Is it hard to make your own bump maps?  why are they that color?  One of these days Im going to experiment with that and see what I come up with.  I dont think I can screw things up too much  :D

thanks for the comments guys.

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