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Hi - I have just bought Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain X Plane 11 - my original Download did not work so I deleted this and today reloaded the program. It loaded correctly without any questions.


I then went to X Plane 11 and tried to use the new program but once I had selected a Plane and location - Wycombe Air Park my local airfield and my training centre - then I tried Southampton and then Exeter and on all three occasions I got an error message - Error, could not locate file for terrain - please see picture below for full error details


I have paid for the program and I am unhappy that I cannot get it to work - what do we do now? Please help - Thanks


Stay safe



Error message 1.jpg

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The message is typical of not having enough free disk space available.
Please read the link  and ensure you meet ALL the requirements.
Particular attention needs to be made to the references to free disk space both on the disk to which downloads go into your Temp folder and the free space required for the installation.
Guides on how to move your Temp  folder if required are also in the link.
Failure to convert the files or unable to find a ter or dds file, is a strong indication of not enough free disk space on either the C drive where Windows places your Temp drive by default, or the drive you are wanting to install on. 

I assure you there is nothing wrong with the addon and that there should be no problem in installation if you end up with the correct requirements. The True Earth addons are extremely large.

TEGB South will require at a minimum,70+GB of free space on the C drive if that is where your downloads go. and then at least 150+GB of free space on your drive that you are installing TEGB South onto.




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Jon - Firstly thank you for your reply. I am totally new to - Gaming - and I am re learning to fly so I wanted a quality Simulator so I have bought X Plane 11 and then went onto buy The South of Britain via Orbx but as you know I am having difficulties in setting this up - I have checked my PC and it is a Dell Optiplex Gaming PC, Intel Core 15, 16 GB Ram, 480GB SSD, Nvidia GTX 1650 Graphic Card - Windows.

So it would appear that I have sufficient disk space - can you please help me solve my problem - Thank You

Stay safe


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I need a bit more info please Ken.

I am assuming by your post that you only have one disk drive and that it is a 480GB capacity drive, correct?

You do not mention what the free space is on that drive. Please advise.

if you do only have that drive then not only the download and then the extraction and conversion process will take place on that drive, but also the installation.Reading the info on the product page of Orbx Direct you will see that the download is approx 26GB, double that for extracting the files is 54GB and then 127GB to install the addon. 

You will there fore be needing at least 200GB free space to install TEGB South. You will recover some space after the installation is finished but the installation cannot finish if there is not the minimum 200GB free space to start with.

Please confirm the free space available or advise if you have other disk drives available and if so what capacity.

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Jon - Information from my Control Panel - Storage


192 GB used                              279 GB Free

Local Disk (C) -     472 GB

Other                     129 GB

Desktop                  25.2 GB

Apps & Features   4.20 GB

Temporary Files    1.79 GB


When I Downloaded TEGB South - it Downloaded correctly with no signs of failure etc. So I expected it to work - I downloaded it to X Plane 11 as this is where I will be using it.


Again thanks for your time and help



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One other point that may interest you - when I turn on X Plane 11 and go to Custom Scenery I can see 

Orbx _A_GB_South_True Earth_Airports

Orbx _A_GB_South_True Earth_Custom

Orbx _A_GB_South_True Earth_Overlay

Orbx _A_GB_South_True Earth_Orthos



This appears half way down the list of sceneries.




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What drive is XP on that the installation is going on to or do you only have C drive? What is "Other" that you mention in your post: Other 129 GB ?

Please attach 2 files:

1. Your XP log file from your XP directory

2. The Orbx Central Log file available via Orbx Central as shown in the attached pic.



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129 GB =

C:\Users\Users\Orbx Library 129GB

C:\Windows10Upgrade          21.0GB

C:\Users|Users\Searches         8GB

C:\Users\Users\Links                4GB


That is how the 129GB is allocated




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Just so i have the facts correct:

You only have one disk drive (C) and it has a 472GB capacity of which it has used 192GB leaving you 279GB free space in total on your PC...Correct?

Both your Temp folder to where downloads go and your XP installation are therefore on the C drive...Correct?

You have omitted to attach the 2 files are asked for in my last post.

1. The XP log file

2.The Orbx Central log file.

I gave both locations of where to find those files so please attach them.

In the meantime please run the Verify Files option for TEGB South via the Orbx Central option as per the attached pic. The pic shows TEGB North but the process is the same for all files. You scroll down until you see TEGB South and then in the right hand page choose the Verify Files option.

I also suggest that prior to doing that you Clear your Temp folder and any Backup copy that has been made.

Where and how to do that is in the second attached pic.






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129 GB =

C:\Users\Users\Orbx Library 129GB

C:\Windows10Upgrade          21.0GB

C:\Users|Users\Searches         8GB

C:\Users\Users\Links                4GB


That is how the 129GB is allocated


I spoke with another friend who looked at the Log file and we could not find an error so he suggested that I Uninstall the program and try re installing it to see if this helps. So I have done this and guess what - Wycombe Air Field appears so hopefully with your help and his we may have solved the problem. When I get some time I will have a fly and see what it looks like.

One really silly question - my throttle is not working - get to 55 - take off - and then loose height and crash!! I am waiting for a new Throttle Quadrant from Logitech which I hope may solve the problem - the throttle on my Yoke appears to be working in Setup but once on board it is erratic.


Finally Thank You so much for all your help - is there a good couple of YouTube clips to watch to get started - have looked at a few.




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I will leave you and your friend to carry on as you have not been following my suggestions. If it all works out OK I will be very pleased.

Again, if you are going to uninstall and reinstall then you MUST clear the Temp folder and delete any Backup copy, because if the backup copy is corrupt then that is the copy that will be reinstalled. You need a clean, fresh installation.

I hope all goes well.


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