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Snow On The Ground In TE Florida In P3Dv5, Sea Of Grass Off The Atlantic Coast

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I'm from out west but l learned to fly back east, so I like flying there occasionally ‐‐— especially when I want to fly with clouds and weather.  I'm using ASP3D for weather with ENVTEX/ENVSHADE for enhanced textures.


On a flight from KSSI Saint Simon's Island GA to KOMN Ormond Beach FL there was snow on the ground in Florida and grass in the water just east of the shoreline.  This stopped just south of Cumberland Island near the state line so that's why I'm thinking it's related to TE Florida. I didn't see this on Cumberland, Jekyll, or Saint Simons.


It does get cold enough to snow in Florida on rare occasions but not in 25°C weather.


Is there a fix for this?


Also, the trees are wrong.  Georgia and Florida have some hardwood trees (mostly live oaks — very valuable in colonial times for ships' timbers, some still have the King's Broadarrow mark on them) but most trees are tall, skinny loblolly pine trees that are evergreens. You don't see beautiful New England style fall foliage in the southeast in the autumn and winter.  Also, the ocean water is the wrong colour north of Florida. It's not supposed to be crystal clear Caribbean blue.  There are several major rivers that empty out into the ocean on the southeast coast and the water is a dark, murky, grayish brown that gradually becomes dark blue as you go out to sea.  This changes south of Jacksonville and the Saint John's River and the water becomes clearer (You've probably seen videos of sharks swimming close to the beach to get the picture). 


Some people like to tweak things to make their sim environment to be a certain way, but I just want it to match real world conditions automatically as much as possible with a minimum of tweaking and fiddling, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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4 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


it looks like the flight distance is 160 miles.

I wonder if you could take a picture and include its coordinates please?

Then I can take a look and see what I see there.


Hi Nick -- here are some pictures.


I switched from ASP3D to FSGRW, that took care of the hardwood fall foliage and you see pine trees with some bare branched hardwoods mixed in now so that's close to nature.  Technically ASP3D is still in beta so it's probably not on you guys.  You still see the sea of grass off the coast and light snow on the ground though.


The first picture shows light snow on the ground in Jacksonville, FL and the other two are just off Cumberland Island showing snow on the beach and grass/scrub tree textures just off shore.  I don't know your exact boundary for TE Florida, but it looks like either between Fernandina Island or Cumberland Island and Jekyll Island. 



Jacksonville_FL_Looking West_1300FT_AGL_01_NOV_2020.jpg

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Here are some more screen shots of P3Dv5 and Orbx TE Florida.  ASP3D and ENVTEX/ENVSHADE.


The georef thing is on so you can check the position.


I've got snow in Florida with frozen shallow marsh rivers ponds and a sea of grass just off shore.


It starts at the north end of Cumberland Island.


The most interesting thing are the white cliffs off shore of Miami Beach.


Looks like I've got both a weather texture problem and a terrain problem.terrain7.thumb.jpg.c0bc8aaf04a98c82c1c471b4619959fb.jpg





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