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True Earth Florida SD Blurry ground textures.


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Is it supposed to look like this?? Running Xplane 11.50 Vulkan enabled. I've included a copy of my scenery ini file. I have not messed with any entries but did notice that Global Airports was moved towards the top of the list. My graphic settings are I attached. Just tried it again without Vulkan enabled and still have the issue. Going to try and verify files through the Orbx Central software after I post this.

Desktop Screenshot 2020.10.12 -

Desktop Screenshot 2020.10.12 -


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I don't remember the True Earth Southern Europe demo looking like this when I tried it out last year.

Nvidia drivers are updated to the current release. I know I bought that standard package but it still shouldn't look low quality like this.

Desktop Screenshot 2020.10.12 -

Desktop Screenshot 2020.10.12 -

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I have revised your scenery_packs.ini for you as it was incorrectly layered. However this will not resolve the issue of blrry textures. I too have the SD version of Florida and attach couple of pics of what I see at around 2000ft.

My screen resolution is 3840x2160 and is probably going to make my pics slightly better looking. The SD version will look more blurred than the HD version as it is ZL16 and is best from 2000ft+. Please note also that there has been many posts during beta of XP11.50 about blurry textures and it appears to affect those with slightly lower GPU specs than the highest level GPU specs. it is a matter of the textures not being loaded quickly enough.

I don't know your GPU specs but if you can without causing a performance issue, up your screen res and experiment with a max Texture Quality setting. 






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Thank you for looking into this. I actually went ahead and bought the HD version since I noticed it was on sale. A little bit better improvement but you are likely right in terms of PC performance. I'm running a i7 4790k 4.0 GHz, GTX 1060 6gb and 16 gb of ram. Autogen is great and I have that at Max. The textures setting I had on high but I'm gonna try maximum setting in VR lol.

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