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Orbx OLC entries displaced?


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I've been using Orbx for a long time now and yesterday I've noticed some Orbx libraries are no longer below the my 3rd party airports as defined in Central under the insertion point section. I'm pretty sure it happened after I pressed by mistake on verify files for my Vector product and stopped it. Anyway I re-ran the files verification for Vector, redefined the insertion points again to make sure they are reset and ran sync simulator in the help section but that did not change their position...

Screenshot attached, help will be appreciated.



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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:


there may be nothing wrong.

However, you could try deleting those four entries, save the scenery.cfg file

and then run Sync Simulator again.

Thanks for the quick reply Nick, after deleting them they have now disappeared completely after running central and executing the simulator sync. Should I be good? I'm assuming they were added to the add-on list which is visible within the sim?

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