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Strange building approach Lisbon

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Hello, does anyone have an idea what this (strange building) could be? It's when I approach Lisbon Rwy 03 on the left side a few miles before touchdown. I use MK Studios LPPT airport and I allready contacted them but they assure me that it has nothing to do with their scenery. I searched everywhere but I can not find anything that could explane this problem. I use Prepar 3Dv5 with Orbx global base and vector and open LC Europe but I can not find anything there .



Schermopname (147).jpg

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Hello Nick

The coordinates are

LAT N38° 41,96"

LON W9° 14,79"

When I go closer to the building (in fact it's a sports terrain), the effect diminish but from farther it looks like this. At the right you allso see a building in the water??




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Hello Francis,

I think you must have something else at work.

This is P3D v5 with Orbx Global Base and Vector and open LC Europe:




I think that building in the water that you see is the one on land in my shot.

Here is your shot to compare.

Note that you have a building and jetties opposite the large building that I do not have either


Schermopname (147).jpg


I do see the little building in the water, as you do.

The main difference, apart from the shores is the ground textures that look like a photo insert to me.


Here is the building in default P3D v5, with no add-ons at all.




It's a representation of a sports centre and is definitely not in the river.

The answer seems to be that you have a product installed that has rearranged the land around the default building.

The building has not been added by Orbx or MK Studios.





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Hello Nick

Here is a picture with MK studios disabled and it's still there, but don't go to close because then it is sinking in to the ground. I see it a little bit in your first picture (the one with the yellow rectangles) to, there is a grey border around it, I think when you fly farther away the stadium starts rising.





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I think that it is meant to be sunk into the ground, the real thing is not raised

and I believe that the grey walls that you see but that I do not are intended

to be underground.

I wonder if you have some added mesh or someone else's vector data that

might be affecting the terrain where it stands.

As I mentioned, it is a default P3D scenery object.

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