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XP11 LOWW, Central not downloading certain obj files?


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I previously contacted Gaya Simulations support who directed me here saying it could be an Orbx Central problem.


I purchased LOWW for XP11 when it was first released, installed it and it ran great. I uninstalled it recently, and upon reinstalling and loading in XP11 i get an error that the scenery cannot load.


I've checked the order of my scenery_packs.ini file and both the airport and roads folders for the scenery are at the top. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and also verified the files and still get the same problem. All other Orbx products as well as Gaya Sims KOS scenery work and load fine. When looking at the log file it seems that XP can't find obj's in the Roads folder.


Attached are my XP Log file and scenery_packs.ini file. The only file I cannot get at the moment is my Orbx Central Log file, as I'm now working away from home till friday.Log.txt

scenery_packs.ini Log.txt

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Welcome to the forums.

Please open Orbx Central and go to Settings/downloader as in the attached pic highlighted in green, and check if you have the option for backups ticked.

If you do then go to location that the backup is at and delete it. It maybe a corrupted copy. If a Backup exists then when you ask to uninstall or reinstall it will read the Backup copy rather than a fresh download. Reboot your PC and then try a fresh install via Orbx central of LOWW.

Report back your results.




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9 minutes ago, Jon Clarke said:

Welcome to the forums.

Please open Orbx Central and go to Settings/downloader as in the attached pic highlighted in green, and check if you have the option for backups ticked.

If you do then go to location that the backup is at and delete it. It maybe a corrupted copy. If a Backup exists then when you ask to uninstall or reinstall it will read the Backup copy rather than a fresh download. Reboot your PC and then try a fresh install via Orbx central of LOWW.

Report back your results.




Thanks for the reply,


I'll do this on Friday when I'm back at the computer :)

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On 10/6/2020 at 6:02 AM, Jon Clarke said:

Welcome to the forums.

Please open Orbx Central and go to Settings/downloader as in the attached pic highlighted in green, and check if you have the option for backups ticked.

If you do then go to location that the backup is at and delete it. It maybe a corrupted copy. If a Backup exists then when you ask to uninstall or reinstall it will read the Backup copy rather than a fresh download. Reboot your PC and then try a fresh install via Orbx central of LOWW.

Report back your results.




Hello, so i've done what you said and still get the same issue.


I deleted the LOWW backup file, unticked "automatically backup product", uninstalled LOWW. Restarted the PC and reinstalled LOWW. I also did the same for the Orbx Libraries just in case but that didn't help. My other Orbx and Gaya scenaries still work fine.


I've attached my Central Log and XP log, along with the scenery packs file (which hasn't changed since my original post).

Log.txt scenery_packs.ini central.log

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Please tell me what the LOWW files contain as it appears from the Log that the sim /Orbx Central cannot locate a large number of objects which are all in the Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Roads folder.

Have you got that folder?

If so what size is it. It should be around 61MB with 153 files and 15 folders.

You may also want to uninstall the SAM library and then reinstall as the log reports potential undiscovered items, which maybe linked to the Roads folder of LOWW, but i am unsure.

If the Roads folder does exist in your Custom Scenery folder then delete it, not uninstall, and then run the Verify Files for LOWW. Orbx Central shpould pick up that you don't have the Roads folder and install it for you.

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Good news! I deleted all the files in the roads and airport folders and verified LOWW via Central. I also did the same for SAM, deleting all files in the SAM folder and veryfing them and now when i load up LOWW it works and loads correctly with no error messages.


Thanks for your help :)

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