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KSBA Disappaeared

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Good day all!


Looking for a clue to this mystery....my KSBA has disappeared from my sim (v4.5). Went into the Orbx app to see that there was an update. Downloaded the update and it's still not there. Rechecking the app, it says KSBA is installed but I only see the stock airport. Tried going the manual route by adding it through the scenery library. It added it but then "unloaded" the area.... So, that's the extent of my of my skill set. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!


Edit: I have the most recent Windows 10 64bit update...



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10 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


did you see the message "do you wish to unload this item"?

If you did, please check that the product files are still there

at the path shown to you in your scenery library.

Hello Nick,

I did a complete reinstallation and in the process realized that in my previous efforts to add the area, I failed to click deep enough into the path to highlight the correct file. Long story short...user error. Thanks for responding!  

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