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Blocky tiles and night textures appearing after fresh install of p3d V4.5


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Hello there. 

I have just done a fresh install of Windows 10 (2004) and P3D4.5 and installed Orbx thru Orbx central, but am getting popping tiles, night textures and areas where water displays where it shouldnt be

If I uncheck all the Orbx entries in the library, the problem goes away

I tried the fix listed here: https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/189035-fix-for-blocks-andor-night-textures-in-Orbx-global-base-or-open-lc-scenery/

Orbx is in my P3D directory, so I renamed the lookup file to old and re verified the files with OC, but my lookup file was NOT replaced by Orbx as suggested

I then Renamed C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\terrain.cfg to terrain.cfg.off, then restarted P3D, but it wont load and just CTD

I then synced with Orbx, said successful, but P3D will not start now, just CTD


Transaction ID in my profile


Many thanks,


Chris Morgan




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Hi Nick and thanks for your reply. As I mentioned in my first post, I see that I had a couple of the Orbx items unchecked in the scenery library. I have now checked them all.


I verified all my Global Base files with Orbx central, then restarted the sim, but the problem still remains. Following the instructions, I RENAMED, not deleted my LClookup file to .off (as shown in screen cap) then re verified my files with Orbx central. The file was not replaced in the directory, (I refreshed directory to make sure) just the file LCLookup.bgl.off is still there, so my sim wont load (CTD), unless I rename it back to LCLookup.bgl


If you need any screenies, please let me know.  many thanks,  Chris




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