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I have just purchased Southampton Airport EGHI. I already have True Earth GB South.


Overall i'm happy with the airport scenery except for 2 issues:-


  • If you look at the bottom right hand corner of the motorway screenshot, the road is not blended well with the TE road and it looks grassy in places. Also there's no traffic on the motorway leading to the airport and cars coming towards the airport just vanish. 
  • also, the town of Eastleigh doesnt have much autogen. It looks much better in some screenshots ive seen of the FSX version. I've tried turning my world objects up to max but this has little effect in this area


Are these known bugs or a setup issue? I attach all the required files.




Cessna_172SP - 2020-09-25 12.11.45.jpg

Cessna_172SP - 2020-09-25 12.12.56.jpg

Log.txt scenery_packs.ini

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I see you also have GBPro installed. You need to disable it or remove the files that duplicate those already in TEGB South if you have not already done so.

What are your PC specs and XP settings please?

Your pics are showing TEGB South as not being displayed to its full potential. There appears to be nothing wrong with your scenery_packs.ini but I have made a few changes but not related to the issue your are reporting.


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I have an iMac with the following specs:-

  • Intel Core i5 3.3Ghz quad core
  • AMD Radeon R9 M290 2GB
  • 16GB RAM


I typically run XP 11.50 with the following settings to get 20-30fps:-

  • World objects: High
  • Reflection Detail: Minimal
  • Viz effects: Medium
  • Texture quality:Medium
  • Anti Aliasing: 8x
  • Anisotropic Filtering: 4x 


I've tried upping these settings at the expense of frame rate but I still see the same result.


I've also tried stripping back the scenery_packs.ini to the bare minimum (including disabling GBPro) but again the same result. The updated ini file you posted also gives the same results.


Is my graphics card just not up to it?

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Quite honestly your GPU is below the recommended level required for something like TEGB South which is highly detailed and full of autogen buildings and modelled POI. To get the true benefit of the addon requires the XP settings to be at least 6GB vram GPU.  XP settings would require the World Objects at Maximum, not high or less, and the Texture Quality at least at High. I don't think your current laptop specs would handle that. The result is what you are seeing in as much as there are large gaps of "missing"  autogen/buildings. The colour of the road is a different issue, but can be rectified if you choose Default roads instead of transparent which is maybe what you don't prefer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A further update on the missing traffic / scenery blending.


If i reset the graphics rendering to use OpenGL rather than Metal these problems disappear. Unfortunately on my mid-2015 iMac OpenGL reduces the frame rate too much.


Still need to upgrade

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