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Intel i7 960 or i7 980X


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OK.... all your inputs have been duly noted.

I think that the 4.36ghz was a bit too much for the CPU. She failed at 28 minutes.

This would be roughly the time it took to fly from Flinders Island to Launceston (YMLT).

So what I thought was a problem with the airport scenery, might not have been that after all.

Especially when I had about the same length of time flying from Victoria (BC) to Vancouver when the computer shut down again, just on landing.

So I've cut it back to 4.00 ghz and did the two hour OCCT test as you suggested Alain, and it

looks like the CPU has passed with flying colours. I must say though that the core temps did get

up to 78c on core 1 and 5. I am now running a test on the GPU and it's temp after being in

session for 15 minutes seems to be stable at 86c. FPS at 60  volts at 0.52.

Thanks again for all your help...

Have to go to work early in the morning so will not fly tonight, but come back on Sunday with an outcome.



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OK.... all your inputs have been duly noted.

I think that the 4.36ghz was a bit too much for the CPU. She failed at 28 minutes.

This would be roughly the time it took to fly from Flinders Island to Launceston (YMLT).

So what I thought was a problem with the airport scenery, might not have been that after all.

Especially when I had about the same length of time flying from Victoria (BC) to Vancouver when the computer shut down again, just on landing.

So I've cut it back to 4.00 ghz and did the two hour OCCT test as you suggested Alain, and it

looks like the CPU has passed with flying colours. I must say though that the core temps did get

up to 78c on core 1 and 5. I am now running a test on the GPU and it's temp after being in

session for 15 minutes seems to be stable at 86c. FPS at 60  volts at 0.52.

Thanks again for all your help...

Have to go to work early in the morning so will not fly tonight, but come back on Sunday with an outcome.



I should have read the thread more thoroughly, I thought you were getting BSOD's at stock frequency and voltage. To be honest, if you can run at 4.36GHz for 30min or so then your well on the way to a stable chip. I few voltage bumps to the vCore or VTT would probably have you stable. i7's tend to run rather hot, so anything under 80C is probably fine.

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Hello! Hank, I'm glad to know you ran OCCT for 2 hours without failing the test, you should be good to go with FSX, your RAMS  timing of 9 9 9 24 was set by the motherboard (auto, not the best) to compensate for the high overclock you had (4.3GHz) so buy manually set the timing at 8-8-8-24  1.65v your rams will perform better.

Looking at your temp. at 4.0GHz you are good to go, can you go higher on your overclock with this CPU..... you bet......but  you would have to change your CPU cooler for a better one or go on water to get better temp if you wanna go higher then 4.0GHz  on your rig, the best air cooler is this one  http://www.noctua.at/inc/imageviewer.php?item=34&pnr=0 ....it is HUGE....and you need a low profile set of rams with this one.

Keep us up to date Hank.

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Hi Alain,

That is the exact cooler I've got on the CPU.

Just tried the flight again (I do have to get to bed though otherwise I won't function tomorrow),

but the bloody FSX stopped responding again at the same spot, about five miles from YMLT.

So the problem hasn't gone away after all.  Back to the drawing board over the next few days.



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Hi Alain,

That is the exact cooler I've got on the CPU.

Just tried the flight again (I do have to get to bed though otherwise I won't function tomorrow),

but the bloody FSX stopped responding again at the same spot, about five miles from YMLT.

So the problem hasn't gone away after all.  Back to the drawing board over the next few days.



Good day Hank, did you get a BSOD again or something else like a freezed picture with sound or no sound when FSX stoped responding? Tell us exactly what happend if something else than a BSOD .....we'll get to the bottom of this......

Here is the CPU I posted earlier  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608018  the one in your sig is this one  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608014&Tpk=Noctua%20NH-U12P not the same at all.....look a like tought.

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There you go Alain,

I can't even get the CPU right.... you're most astute; even finding my one for me to check out.

As for the problem...yes you're right again.. I've only once experienced the BSOD... as far as these flights

coming into YMLT go... I have been trying to use the auto pilot and program the GPS in the stock standard

FSX Baron 58. When I get landing clearance I program in the vectors and activate the GPS to vector me

onto finals. I I have never got close enough to actually disengage the autopilot and make the landing.

The screen just freezes and then a warning box comes up to tell me that FSX has stopped responding

and needs to restart again. The warning includes that there is a fatal error.

Can you make heads or tails of that? 



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Guest AS355F

Why pay $1500 for 6 cores?

I bought an AMD 6 core for $350. I can do a hell of a lot with the $1150 I saved.

BTW it runs well enough to give me everything I need. I run YBBN maxed and it's as smooth as silk.

Each to their own but I believe paying huge amounts for processors is pointless, they churn out new ones so fast these days that the latest and greatest is only run of the mill 6 months on.

Bulldozer is the only thing upcoming that really interests me, if they can get 2 cores to run a single thread then that will be something to see, otherwise, meh.

$1,500.00 in Australia.....I understand Pete but here they sale for $999.00 with free shipping from www.newegg.com

Here is a good review on this baby, read it all and you'll understand why it is so good specially for FSX since FSX can use it's six core for terrain.....  http://www.guru3d.com/article/core-i7-980x-review/19

Listen to this too as Phil is saying FSX can use a lot of sore 200 + 

Yep and in America you can buy the AMD 6 core for less than $200.  ;)

Newegg don't ship overseas.

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Hi Frank, assuming your rig is atable and it should after 2 hours of OCCT (maybe it's the memory?) lets try something else by "process of elimination"...I want you to rerun the same flight who's giving you problems and record the time from when you start your flight to the point of the freezing screen doing exactly what you were doing before.....so  let say the flight take 30 minutes and the screen freeze......rerun the same flight without auto pilot or GPS.......let see if you get FSX to freeze....if it does freeze again....

restart FSX try another flight from another airport going somewhere else without the auto pilot or GPS and see if you get the screen to freeze after 30 minutes or less than 30 minutes or more than 30 minutes or not at all.......

By the way I forgot to ask you if you have overclocked your vid. card, if yes turn it back on to default before trying a flight.

Keep me up to date....

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hi hank i feel for you as i have had a freeze up issue for months,the ram you are using is the same as mine,and make sure you test it ,it has been know to fail due to bad overclocking ,if you have run all the test mate i hope you get a remedy for your issue ,because mine is still looking for a remedy goodluck. :)

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Hi Alain  & Timmo,

Right... it must be something to do with the video card, because the error came up as the video card has failed will try to reset itself. I did a couple of your suggestions Alain... I didn't engage auto pilot or GPS for the first flight tonight.  At 37 minutes the game just froze again; though I noticed a lot of flashes on the screen at about 20 minutes into the flight. Got near YMLT again and sure enough she froze again.  Next flight.. same departure.. this time I also turned off REX auto weather and changed my FPS from locked at 34 to unlimited... same thing..flashes as I crossed the Tasmanian coastline and they continued till I got within sight of YMLT... this time the sound went into a loop... the error message that the video card had failed and would try to reset itself.. which it didn't.  As to your question about overclocking the video card... I haven't done so... don't know how to do that yet.  Might try it though?? Timmo, there must be another application to test the RAM, but I'm not sure?  All I know is that it gives one the tomtits when you buy a rig that should be able to handle FSX and ORBX.. and then you spend days trying to sort out what is going wrong with it !!!  I still haven't loaded all my extra programs onto it yet like FS Flying School , VOXATC and several other packages.  I've got FS9 on a seperate drive, but it can't access the sound card on the motherboard for some reason... if it was functioning I'm seriously thinking of going back to it... at least this rig should fly that with no problems.

Busy weekend so I'm off to bed for now.

Alain I do appreciate you sticking with me and trying to be of assistance, if you get sick of it just let me know?

Cheers Hank

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Hello! Hank,

don't worrie about me I'm glad to help, what's 1/2 hour per day in a man's life, do you have any tweak for your card in the FSX.cfg folder related to bufferpool, if you do delete the bufferpool tweak and fly again, we just want to know if the bufferpool tweak is the culprit here, if the stuttering are to bad reduce some sliders.

Let me know,

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You're still up Alain?

I should say I'm still up  00:10 Monday morning.

I found this http://forums.nvidia.com/lofiversion/index.php?t104296.html

But after downloading the RivaTuner and setting the GPU as per his instructions... it still went wrong.

I even changed areas... King Island to Wynyard... but at the usual 30 minutes or so she just stopped again.

Lots of flashing before hand. Then she just stopped with an error page, but that didn't stay up long enough for me to read it.

So in summary.. the GPU was overclocked a little at the factory. I increased the fan speed to 80% instead of 40%... reset to the stock standard speed for the 285.... but no better outcome. Will check out the buffer pools now.

See ya


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You're still up Alain?

I should say I'm still up  00:10 Monday morning.

I found this http://forums.nvidia.com/lofiversion/index.php?t104296.html

But after downloading the RivaTuner and setting the GPU as per his instructions... it still went wrong.

I even changed areas... King Island to Wynyard... but at the usual 30 minutes or so she just stopped again.

Lots of flashing before hand. Then she just stopped with an error page, but that didn't stay up long enough for me to read it.

So in summary.. the GPU was overclocked a little at the factory. I increased the fan speed to 80% instead of 40%... reset to the stock standard speed for the 285.... but no better outcome. Will check out the buffer pools now.

See ya


Hi! Hank, here it's 11:53 AM on Sunday in Florida, please do not overclock your card, you need to find what's wrong first, so far your PC is stable after 2 hours of OCCT, flashing + freeze sound to me like a card who's push to hard with bufferpool or sliders.

Like I said before yourt PC should run FSX like never before but the card is the weak link if your slider are to far to the right or you have set your bufferpool tweak to high or  usepool= 0....it is very important to change just one thing at the time...... if after deleting the bufferpools tweak nothing changed after another flight you may want to rebuild the FSX.cfg folder.

Also push back the slider to the left a little, you will sacrifice on eyes candyl but you may be freezing free, VERY impoortant to try one thing at the time and test it with a flight.........

I'll wait for the result...

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hello hank i would set everything back to stock if it was me or reduce the settings a little,because i dont know much about computers i took mine to my local pc shop to overclock to 4 gig,and they ran every test possible it cost me 150 bucks,i get a freeze using two screens only,with one i get a solid 60 frames,and 20-35 at ymml,and no lockups,try deleting your fsx config file and let fsx build a new one, check for graphic card drivers update too mate,i fly to tasmania too from melbourne and can land at everyairport with no issues,ive spent thousands on my rig just like yours and have been very excited for you ,as following your posts since day one,give scoretec a ring and hopefully get some advice maybe ,let alone the guys on these forums are nothin but fantastic in helping you out,i wish i could help,im only a hour flight away ;D good luck mate its sucks i know.keep us posted.

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Hi Alain and Timmo,

Well it looks like after all that chasing around, it was the Bufferpool Tweak. I took it out last night.

Booted up this evening and have flown from King Island to Wynyard and on to Devonport  1 hour

and not a flicker in sight. Landed at both airports. Now to reset the slight overclock on the 285 again.

It amazes me how people come up with these tweaks that work on their systems, but have the complete opposite

effect on other systems. I guess it's all a learning curve. Alain, thanks again for your assistance and time; it's people

like you who make this ORBX forum such a pleasure to be a part of. I'm sure we'll talk again.



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Hi! Hank, I'm glad to know you'r good to go, I was just about to offer you $1,000.00us for your rig (shipping included) to resolve your problem...... ;D

Joke aside, I've learned the hard way myself about FSX... frying a $1000.00 QX6850 overclocking it not knowing what I was doing at the time or having to reinstall everything 4, 5 + time because I screwed something up in FSX trying to make it run better....can FSX be tweaked....yes of course but you have to change one thing at the time go fly and see.....

Be safe flying Hank.......

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About the topic itself, if i remember right, i7 930 @ 4GHz is allmost same performance as i7 960 @default clocks, so IMO you should buy i7 930, and save few more bucks. U don't really do anything with six cores, its just overkill. Except if you want to do something processor heavy with those 2 cores that will be idle when doing allmost anything. Since nothing supports 6 cores yet. Hardly even 4.

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About the topic itself, if i remember right, i7 930 @ 4GHz is allmost same performance as i7 960 @default clocks, so IMO you should buy i7 930, and save few more bucks. U don't really do anything with six cores, its just overkill. Except if you want to do something processor heavy with those 2 cores that will be idle when doing allmost anything. Since nothing supports 6 cores yet. Hardly even 4.

have you miss this part here,directly  from the horse's mouth....... 
    FSX can use 256 core for terrain.......
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I personally am going to skip this generation 6 cores and wait for the 8 core. Hopefully fingers crossed. Having the quad at 4.2g and the GTX480 has been an incredable performance increase.


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Yes, thank god FSX relies mostly on CPU, becouse i just upgraded to i7 930 but didnt yet have money to upgrade GPU, compared to other games insane increase in performance. Its so lovely to fly everything (except AI) maxed out in PNW. :)

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I know for sure that FSX is using all of my six cores with the  i7 980X. I'm using Core Temp and it tells me that most times

when I run FSX, REX weather, Track IR and PlanG that I'm using about 80% of all the six cores. Temps usually at about

60c maximum.

I think that the i7 980X has made a significant difference to my flying enjoyment (apart from the problem I had earlier in this post).



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Im not really familiar with the addon programs you named, but i'm pretty sure those other two cores are working with the addon programs, not fsx itself. Even though it is good boost, i dont think its worth the extra $$$ it costs. IMO. Maybe when the consumer priced six-cores come.

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Guest AS355F

Im not really familiar with the addon programs you named, but i'm pretty sure those other two cores are working with the addon programs, not fsx itself. Even though it is good boost, i dont think its worth the extra $$$ it costs. IMO. Maybe when the consumer priced six-cores come.

I got my 6 core for under $200. Why people think intel is the only answer I will never know...

I have zero problems and lots of money left over to buy the wifey some shoes.  :)

Yes it does make a big difference!

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In my local PC-store 1090T is 296€, and i7 930 is 288€.  From reviews in benchmarks they have been really even, in some benchmarks i7 930 has been better than 1090T.  But yes, as i have stated IMO anything over i7 930 OR 1090T is bad if you think about price-power ratio.

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Guest AS355F

In my local PC-store 1090T is 296€, and i7 930 is 288€.  From reviews in benchmarks they have been really even, in some benchmarks i7 930 has been better than 1090T.  But yes, as i have stated IMO anything over i7 930 OR 1090T is bad if you think about price-power ratio.

What I am trying to say is that 6 cores gives a big boost to FSX. I have [JOBSCHEDULER] AffinityMask= set to 63 in fsx.cfg.

Compared to 4 cores at the same clockspeed it's like night and day. There is no stuttering/lag while textures are loading because there are now 2 extra cores to take on that task. FSX is basically singlethreaded (poorly coded imho) so FSX always runs core0 pegged at 100% but it's surprising how hard the other 5 cores do run when textures load. The other 5 cores are in use approximately 50% of the time and their utilisation is roughly 75-100%

I agree $1000 cpu's are pointless, it's all the same silicon.

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Checking your temps *is* essential, heat has a way of building up and sneaking up on you. Apart from that and assuming you have properly oveclocked your machine you also need to tweak you fsx.cfg file. That is the 'third leg' of the stool...

Have are read of this thread, its made an amazing difference for me.


Good luck.


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