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P3D fails to run after TE Nor Cal uninstall


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I have many Orbx products and have had few issues over the years.  With TE Northern California, a different story.  When I entered the airspace, not only did the scenery not look nearly as good as pictures I have seen, it severely altered the performance of PC.  I am using a custom Jetline PC with the following specs:


Win10 Home 64-bit

Gigabyte Aorus Z270x Gaming 5, LGA 1151

Intel 7th Gen Core i7 7700K (4.7GHz Overclock)

Corsair Hydro Series H100 GT Liquid Cooling

16GB G.Skill DDR4 SDRAM 2666MHz

8GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080

850 Watt Corsair RM Series Power Supply

1TB Samsung EVO 850 Solid State Drive (SSD)


I'm using P3D4.4 Pro installed on SSD with most sliders backed off of max.  Prosim737 aircraft model.  Typically get 30-60 FPS even at custom airports, so when I drop to 10 upon entering NE NorCal, I found this unsatisfactory.  I tried going in and "verifying files" in Orbx Central and flew multiple flights into the airspace to make sure it was repeating, which it did.  It just never improved.  So I uninstalled it tonight and started P3D.  It went through typical initialization, but when it got to the home screen, it appeared to be loading a flight already as soon as home screen splashed.  When it completed, I loaded a flight and it looked like it was loading a flight as usual.  But when it finished, the screen just went black.  This did not appear to be a CTD because I looked down in the taskbar to see if P3D had crashed and it looked like it had, except that my NZXT CAM monitor was showing it still running.  So I go to task manager and it is not showing as an active program, running in the background instead (and consuming a lot of resources).  I shut P3D down, restart my PC and try again.  Same thing.  Three times in a row.  Second and third time, the home screen shows the aircraft upside down and doing all kinds of weird things.  Am I looking at an uninstall and reinstall of P3D?  P3D has been very stable for the last 3-4 years since my PC was built.  Thanks for any help.


download (1).png


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UPDATE:  So after trying a "repair" of the P3D4.4 client, which did not work, I downloaded v4.5.  I followed the re-install directions for the client supplied by LM including deleting the P3D.cfg file and the Shaders folder.  Started up P3D and problem resolved.  Nothing else I did before this would work and I was never able to spawn to a flight since the uninstall of TE NC.  The unfortunate part of all of this is that, besides the performance issues I had with it, the problems brought about by this uninstall (via Orbx Central 3) has probably turned me against any future TE products.  I have TONS of addons including probably two dozen by Orbx and they have have run flawlessly in P3D.  Not so with TE.  That's a shame too because I was really wanting TE Florida.  Looked great.  Maybe later I will try, but right now I am feeling a little stung.  Note that I posted about my issues with TE and got no support from Orbx, so that also factors into this. Take care, everyone.

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I regret that you are having problems.

Installed scenery can be simply disabled by unticking its entries in either the scenery library or the add-ons menu,

depending on which method was used to install them.

It is not really possible to add a photo scenery product and then remove it correctly and have the result that you experienced.

Lockheed Martin provide the Delete Generated Files utility precisely to address that type of problem and that was the

most likely cause of the successful repair.

I apologise for the wait of 35 hours for a reply.

We try for within 24 hours.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/18/2020 at 6:46 AM, Nick Cooper said:


I regret that you are having problems.

Installed scenery can be simply disabled by unticking its entries in either the scenery library or the add-ons menu,

depending on which method was used to install them.

It is not really possible to add a photo scenery product and then remove it correctly and have the result that you experienced.

Lockheed Martin provide the Delete Generated Files utility precisely to address that type of problem and that was the

most likely cause of the successful repair.

I apologise for the wait of 35 hours for a reply.

We try for within 24 hours.

Thanks for the reply Nick.  Just seeing this.  So are you saying to never attempt to delete photoreal scenery via ORBXCentral?  That's what I did, nothing else, and I have been running P3D4.4 flawlessly with dozens of addons since they released version 4.  I will try deactivating NA Norcal and give that a go if you think that will help.  How about Vector?  I've had it for years, but recently decided to install it.  I have most other regions installed and have no issues with any of them since installing Vector.  Thank you very much.  I'd like to get other TE products (NorCal is my first), but right now, my confidence is a little shaken.

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18 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


I see that you have added to another topic too.

Let's stick with this one.

Can you perhaps show me a screen shot of the particular problem that you are having, ideally with

its coordinates, so that a comparison can be made.


Hi Nick.  Flew KMSP to KSFO tonight and watched for entry into TE NorCal.  Upon entry around Reno, the scenery looked beautiful and I was still clocking 60+ FPS at FL380.  On approach into KSFO, I took a few screenshots.  I just hope I remembered the correct coordinates.  The first is looking at Oakland (I think) at N37.375 W122.133, the second is on final KSFO at 37.310 W122.112.  I took a few other screenshots from a side view and they seem to look better than looking out in front.  I have to admit that this time around, the scenery does look better.  Maybe it was one of the things I tried already.  I still see a lot of very dark features that I don't recall before.  Perhaps that is part of photoreal scenery.  It also occurred to me that I might try bumping my settings up to get better looking autogen.  That is probably my primary complaint about this.  I doesn't look like the advertised pictures and I think I have a pretty decent rig.  I included some of my settings to get your take on those if you think that is holding it back.  It might be, but I try to balance performance with quality.  I wish I had taken screen shots of my troubles before tonight that I wrote about, because it does seem to look better and my FPS never dropped below 30 even flying right next to downtown San Francisco.  Many thanks for your help and any wisdom you might be willing to pass on.







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