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Dual install of software links to common Orbx library


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I have created a second instance of XPlane on my SDD with a clean install of version 11.50. I intend to keep my XP 11.41 install on the same SD at least for a little while.


How do I convince FTX Central to create those software links in the Custom Scenery folder of the new install that already exist in that folder of the existing one? I can confirm that FTX Central recognizes the new XP version, but I can't figure out how to convince it to create those links.



Operating system:  W10

Simulator:  XP 10.50 and 10.41


Issue:  How to create links from a second installation of XP to the Orbx Library?


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There are 2 options. The easiest in this circumstance is just to make a shortcut link of the Custom Scenery folder in 11.40 to the new 11.50 installation.

Just move the new 11.50 Custom Scenery folder  out of 11.50 to somewhere safe and have the shortcut link of the11.40 Custom Scenery folder put in its place.

If you have already placed addons into the new 11.50 Custom Scenery folder then just create shortcuts of the Orbx addons and put them into the new 11.50 Custom Scenery folder

Are your 11.40 Orbx addons in the 11.40 directory or in a Library?

The 2nd option is for symbolic links but I don't think that is necessary in your case.

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Thanks so much Jon.


Shortcuts to the Orbx Library which I keep on an HDD work like a charm. Somehow I had it in my head to think that it would be more complex than that. Getting the right order in the .ini file took a few minutes, but I have the working now. I'll look to see if I can figure out why xOrganizer seems to be giving me a different order, but that's not an issue for Orbx to solve. My real problem is figuring out how to afford an SSD for TrueEarth, because loading is so slow off a hard disk.



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@jrw4 X-Organiser does not play well with Orbx addons as it tends to treat the addons, especially True earth as though they were like ortho4xp. It tends to place the Ortho and overlay files away from the Custom file but Orbs designed those folders to be sequentially together, hence the prefixes of A,B & C in the folder labels.

Anyway glad it is working for you. I do a symbolic link for my Custom Scenery folder which allows me to have several copies of XP if I want and never have to reinstall addons.

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@Jon Clarke You're right about xOrganizer, but the latest version does give one the opportunity to bring those three folders back together again. Here's the link:




It's a bit fiddly, but it does appear to work correctly once everything is reunited. 


Thanks again.

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