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No more powerlines after installing TE US Florida


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After installation of TE US Florida, I'm not seeing the powerlines (and some other objects like tanks) I was used to see near KVPS (Valparaiso, Eglin AFB) and KDTS (Destin) anymore. I think these objects were originally added by VECTOR, but now it seems that they were overridden by TE US Florida. Is that the way it works or it's something that shouldn't be or is not expected?. I'm using the same set of sliders for autogen and scenery complexity than before installing TE.

Cheers, Ed

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Hi, here I go again.

Please take a look at the attached pictures.

With TrueEarth US FL enabled, some objects that used to show close to the top of the RWY19 at KVPS (Valparaiso-Eglin AFB) are now not present. These objects are like Power Lines, Tanks, Antennas (and maybe some more).

These pictures were taken with TrueEarth US FL disabled, at the same place.

So, can I conclude that TrueEarth US FL changes the way prior objects are displayed?, or it's simply wrong and previous existing objects should still be displayed?.

Please clarify, just to know if I have to do or not further actions here.

Thanks, Ed


KVPS without TE-2.jpg

KVPS without TE-1.jpg

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9 hours ago, larryisenor said:

True Earth completely replaces objects with a new set based on the photoreal terrain. Where tanks and power lines show on the terrain they have been included. All previous sceneries have been disabled.



Hi Larry:

Thanks so much for your answer.

Please look at the three pics below taken in the proximity of the Turkey Point Nuclear Plant in Homestead, FL. This power plant supplies electricity to every city in South Florida and for someone who would like to see tons of metallic structures of Power Transmission Lines, is undoubtedly the place to go. Regretfully, for some reason, none of these 3D objects are shown in the current TE scenery. If you look close enough in Pic 2, under the left tip of my aircraft, there are ground marks (in the photoreal terrain) that clearly indicate the location of the rights of way to the power lines and, again, no 3D objects are shown, none, nada, anything.

It was unfortunate that the engineers at Florida Power & Light were not allowed to apply TESLA's concepts about wireless energy transmission - just joking :lol:!.

So, please confirm 3D objects of this kind (and I'd also include tanks, antennas, and other similar 3D objects) are or are not actually modeled in the TE scenery or it's just me (even if I tried with maxed sliders with no success). Please also post a picture of your setup to see those 3D objects in case they're included.

As you'd understand it's very different to see those objects from photo-scenery at high-altitudes than watching them properly modeled in 3D. So, please be more specific.

Thanks in advance.



Turkey Point Nuclear Plant - 1.jpg

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant - 2.jpg

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant - 3.jpg

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Hi Edward:

Here is a photo of the power lines north of Turkey Point:


The power poles in the south part of Florida are single pole towers. When we were testing some of the tester said these are more common in South Florida. If you cannot see them verify your Orbx Libraries and True Earth US Libraries. I have my Scenery Complexity set to Extremely Dense and Autogen trees and buildings set to Very Dense.


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Hi Larry, thanks, I'll check those poles more closely in-sim.

The power lines leaving the Turkey Point's FP&L plant in South Florida are not like these ones, for sure. Look to the pic below, taken from public information on the internet, they're power transmission lines of about 760 KV each, with three different phases, so a single pole tower could never represent them.

Probably something to consider on a future update. For sure you already have similar 3D objects from other scenery (like Vector), so maybe something not to difficult for you to add, unless other limitations like performance are being taken into consideration.

Regards, Ed






Power Lines.PNG

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Well, that to me is an over simplification, just because for power transmission it's impossible to have a single type of structure representative for an entire state. In that case different vector elements should have been used.

Anyway, this is probably not a very important detail for most people, and I also understand that the 3D modeling of a large amount of power lines like the existing ones in the vicinity of Turkey Point would impact the scenery heavily from the performance point of view, but honestly I still think that single pole structures are just a joke and it's a minus considering the excellent work in developing this product, which have very strong points, like the water masks and the extensive amount of airports in the area that have been improved.

Regards, Ed

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17 hours ago, Sascha Normann said:

with the next service pack if there is one.


Well, nice answer, but really hope you can improve an already excellent product.

There's no need to take the observations as an "emotional issue", it's just facts.

Cheers, Ed

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