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Not enough disk space when attempting install of TrueEarth US Florida

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Hello.  When attempting to install just-purchased TrueEarth US Florida I am met with the error "You don't have enough free disk space to complete the installation."  The drive I am installing to, my C: SSD, has over 131 GB free. I searched this forum and found a thread which addressed emptying the Temp folder which I then did manually to no avail.  Where I try to install it to, inside of P3D or outside, doesn't make a difference either.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!


David Rosenblum

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Hello David,

welcome to the forums.

The download is around 66 GB and then installed, the product is around 74 GB.

If you try to do all of that on a drive with 131 GB free space, it won't fit.

If you have a second disk, try using the Orbx Central\Downloader settings to move

the Orbx Central temporary files off your C drive.


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