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Elevation Issues for NZQN, NZMF, and NZSI


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Hi all,

I have been late in installing the P3Dv5 Orbx payware versions of Queenstown and Milford Sound (NZQN, NZMF). This is on top of the previously installed Orbx region New Zealand South Island. (Not new here. Have run all these products since their inception.)

At the moment, the elevations are wrong. In both cases, the P3Dv5 runways and taxiways are way below the ground surface...in the typical troughs that one gets with a mismatched terrain and airport elevation. This often happens with the new P3Dv5 runway elevations if there is no effort to adjust the airport elevation. (The elevation mismatch is much worse for Queenstown than for Milford Sound, but present in both.)

Does anyone have an idea about how we can get the Orbx airports to match the Orbx region terrain mesh? (I vaguely recall that there was a trick to get these to work together in previous simulators, but my memory stops there.)

Thanks for your help.
Mike MacKuen

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Hi Nick,

Thanks so much for testing and then suggesting a solution. Delighted to say, it worked!

I had to do a slightly fuller sequence. (1) Uninstall NZQN and NZMF airports. (2) "Verify" the New Zealand South Island Region package via Orbx Central. (3) Restart the P3Dv5 simulator. (Now back in NZSI status, with Orbx Region airports.) (4) Reinstall NZQN and NZMF, with a verification thrown in. (5) Restart the P3Dv5 simulator, which now recognizes the new airports and requests confirmation. Finally, it loads the scenery and starts up nicely. All good in the world.

[I have the Orbx sceneries located in Orbx libraries outside the P3Dv5 simulator. So perhaps the extra steps of having to start the simulator in between uninstalling the airports and reinstalling them is due to the simulator having to rewrite twice the add-ons.cfg file (in the ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5 folder). This is merely a guess. If anyone knows why the extra restart was necessary, I'd love to hear.

Nick, you are doing great service for the community. Another tip of my cap to you for your wonderful generosity.

Best wishes,
Mike MacKuen

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