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NZGS Gisborne crashes on loading


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I have not been able to use NZGS in P3d v5.  Every time I try to set up the sim from the parking area the programme crashes on start-up or if I am lucky, Ii am able to load the aircraft but the as soon as I taxi to the runway the sim crashes.


I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything including a clean install of P3d v5 twice and the same happens every time.  Please can you help.

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Hi Nick - I have tried that, but no luck.  I have tried other airports (KORS, NZQN) and all seems to work until about 30 minutes into the flight and then I get a crash to desktop.  Everything used to be fine in v4.5.


I have now regrettably unistalled Gisborne and will try again.


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Orbx New Zealand is known for random crashes and the 3D grass at Gisborne can also cause them but

the crash is not to the desktop but the simulated aircraft crash.

If you have not yet disabled the simulator crash detection, please try that.

If P3D v5 is itself crashing, so that it no longer works, then we will need to address that instead.

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Nick - thank you for your response.  You are correct, it is simulated aircraft crash rather than crash to desktop.  I have now uninstalled Gisborne and will try another region when I get the chance at the weekend and see what happens.  I have looked up the event log when it has crashed and it is always the same KernelBase.dll error

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