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YMML Crashing System to re-boot

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Hi, Just recently (since AUv2 update) I am having total system crashes at YMML after about 5 minutes. Does not matter which aircraft. YBBN works fine as do other Orbx airports I have tried. I have re-installed YMML to no avail, run Sync Simulator from Help,  stress tested CPU, RAM, Graphics, put in a new Graphics card, set Bios to default all to no avail. Any ideas welcome. Should I re-install AUSv2 Update?



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Well further work has found that YSCB also crashes. This is possibly looking like hardware? Lots of Orbx airports work fine but these heavier resource ones seem to be the culprits. My PC is as follows:


Z87X-UD3H Mobo, Intel 4790K CPU now no longer overclocked but was overclocked to 4.6Ghz, 16Gig Corsair Vengeance DDR 3 RAM never OC'd and 3.5 Hr tested by Memtest, Cooler Master Nepton 240M Liquid Cooler (temps not over 50 C), Corsair 500 Watt PSU. Win 10 Home (current release). I am at a loss to what has happened? Not a very Windows savvy guy on real problematic issues. I have re-installe AUv2.1.3 but no change and deleted P3D .cfg and shaders and re-built. The fact that all stress tests show nought issues leades me to either P3Dv4.5 or something with Orbx  AUS is now on my radar. Other tests are YBBN and NZQN and they are fine. I am at aloss here.




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Well, looks like the old 6 years of age 4790K is starting the down hill run like its owner. I cut off turbo (stock settings) and all is well. Even though temps were only in at max around 40-50 C with turbo and voltage set by me or auto it just kept crashing. Amazing it would not crash with Prime95 but would with P3D. Maybe there is a complex relationship with CPU and GPU in P3D? The new PC is getting closer I can tell you!


I am actually getting better frames with stock 4Ghz than with turbo 4.4Ghz which says something! Anyway all airports in Aus and NZ now are fine.


Posting just to give info to others. All closed.

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