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Vector is hanging p3d v5

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It means that P3D is looking at every vector file.

This takes a long tome.

That is why the simulator slows down.

There is no plan that I am aware of to modify Vector.

I do not know what plans Lockheed Martin have for their next update to P3D v5.

You are free to disable or uninstall Orbx Global Vector.

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It is not the fact that p3d v5 is slowed down, I could not start a flight because p3d will hang on flight planner because of vector.

I have other Orbx product installed like: Global base, Global Europe, Global Trees, Terra flora 2 etc and they work perfectly. 

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I have now installed vector again and started p3d, disk usage is 2% and every time I choose in the flight planner vor to vor it will say unable to find a route, furthermore in the flightplanner map there is no more airport, and I can not look up runways, freq etc. again when vector is removed everything i back to normal. It has now been able to find a route but in the flightplanner map there is no more airport, and I can not look up runways, freq etc.

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I guess that you did not read the topic that I linked, so here is what it suggests:




Unfortunately, it seems that making a flightplan triggers the same undesirable effect, which does indeed slow the process to a crawl.

I don't know why P3D v5 does this but there is a very easy way to stop it.

Before you begin your flight planning, on the same scenario page, open the Options\add-ons menu, because you will all of course

have installed Vector into P3D v5 using the add-ons method, and remove the tick from the Vector box.




You will then be able to create your flightplan in good time and before you launch your flight, revisit the add-ons list and replace

the tick in the Vector box.

This is slightly inconvenient and may add as much as 20 seconds to the flight planning procedure but must be better than hoping

that the next iteration of P3D v5 will address this odd behaviour.



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One mote thing do, in that post you write " 


when P3D v5 loads for the first time, it seems to index all the Vector files, which extends the loading time.

If you open the Windows Performance Manager at its Disk page, you can see this happening.

It does this only once in each P3D v5 session."    But this happens every time p3d starts up.

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Yes, that's what it means, every time you stop it, that ends a session.

Every time you start it, that starts a session.

Apologies for the misunderstanding and in any case, it does not affect

the flight planner, which is always slow if Vector is active.

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  • 1 month later...

May be the issue is the location of vector in the scenery library. I have positioned the three vector-files on layer 3 (-EXX), 4  (-CVX) and 5 (-OBJ) with Lorby-Si (between "Default Scenery" and "0000 Base"). Now flightplanner is okay, load time is under 1 min, the issues seem to disappear !? Only Vector-File -OBJ has automatically changed to layer 6 (between vector-cvx and 0000 Base). Perhaps, try it ! To buy Vector and than to disable it is not really a solution !!!


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