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Black scenery blocks throughout Germany South

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I hope I'm not posting on the wrong forum?


I still have large areas of black scenery boxes along the southern border of Germany South as you can see from this shot just SE of LOIK heading towards LOWS.  I have deleted and reloaded a couple times, and still cant get it to take.  The black boxes only occur in the mountainous regions between LSZE (Bad Ragaz) and LOWS (Salzburg) which I believe lie within Germany South?

Any ideas why this might be happening with just this area of Germany South?


Thanks as always!



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Thanks guys.  I do have LOWI installed, and I did not think to set the preferences correctly and I have done that now.  The black tiles have left the area close in to LOWI and the Inn valley, but not south of LOWI where they still remain.  Still extends west to LSZR and east to LOWS north into GES border areas...?


Nick Cooper had a very useful piece about renaming a terrain.cfg or scenery.cfg file and having P3D re build it, but I have misplaced that link?  Can you assist?


Any other ideas?



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Hello Paul.


When you search  for:      " rename terrain. cfg "      or   "   rename scenery.cfg "   maybe there is a topic for you.

maybe this one below is what you are looking for:








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Thanks all, guys!  ("Friet" for the link to Nick's addition to a  solution!)

Ok.  I have executed all Nick's fixes,  reinstalled GES, LOWI, and verified all my Orbx (which is all of it available), and OpelLC Europe.  Then verified all those other in the area, then synched it all, and guess what?  It is all okay now and working grea!! I apologize for running all the previous steps one-after-the-other.  Therefore I cannot help as to why the problem was there for those who may follow my frustration...!!  I have no idea what was wrong...but in the end...!


BUT, your direction helped me fix it so my qudos to Orbx team and fellow fans for aiming me to getting it fixed\!


I know that Orbx is pressing hard at gaining compatibility with MS, and support resources are stressed?  But the "team can solve most of the issues even when focusing on new revenue sources.  MS' new package will be fun  and I'll be there too in due course, but for now P3Dv4.5....!


Great support and insight as always guys!



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