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SCEL & S America OPEN LC Aircraft Crashes!!


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OK. I read all the posts regarding this issue going back to 2017 and the prior complaints unless I missed something were not fixed. I have South America OPEN LC installed on P3Dv5. I only use PMDG aircraft and I have a very high end Jetline PC system kept very clean. With either the default P3Dv4 aircraft or PMDG compatible aircraft every time I attempt take off from SCEL and SAME and other airports the AIRCRAFT NOT THE SYSTEM CRASHES shortly after takeoff. I then uninstalled the SA OPEN LC and the issue did not occour. I repeated this test several times with the same results.

Being that SCEL is a major airport within this paid for scenery is there yet a fix for this issue? Just turning off the crash option in the simulator may temporarily resolve the problem but it is not a FIX.


Your Thoughts.


Marc Biggins

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Have to agree with Nick. Disabling crash detection is a must in P3D. I have had the same thing on other Add on airports with and without Orbx. KSFO on final just before touchdown to name one example. Not to mention having a AI taxi into me on pushback or when sitting in line for take off. Plus the odd airport vehicle driving into your aircraft and causing a crash. All things I cannot have occur in GFO.


Turning off crash detection is the known fix in P3D across the board.

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