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EGTH 03 with P5H2 and TrueEarth Great Britain

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I only have the official V5 airports installed in V5 so I am trying to fly out of the version in True Earth GB.  I have all the Orbx UK airports and it is hard to keep track of everything, so apologies for the initial mistake.  It looks like a mesh problem.  I do have FS Global Ultimate - Next Gen FTX mesh in addition to TE GB.  I also have several UK2000 airports but they are not in this area of the UK.


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Old Warden was loaded in P3D V4 and before - and I have visited there in person a few times, so it is a favorite.  V4 is no longer on my box, but all the P3D V5 UK Orbx stuff is - I assumed Old Warden was somewhere in the group of airports.  As you say, it is not.  Pity, I hope it makes it over eventually. 


The airport in the screenshot is whatever comes with True Earth GB. 


thanks again, and sorry for the confusion,


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