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General scenery issue

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Last week asked if I could transfer my Orbx library from my hard drive to a external drive, answer was yes so as I already had the LIBRARY on a hard drive for my lap top. It didn't seem to want to play so I re-directed Central to my hard drive, I now have two problems.

1. In Central all files show as grey except for TE Washington and SODE, both of which were added recently.

2. There has been a siesmice event very close to YMML.


I have tried Sync Simulator, no change to greyed out files and checked the main library path which shows the correct location with 290.5GB of files.

So I need some advice, Central did ask me to re-install the Orbx and TE libraries which I've done and I'm hoping I don't have to re-install the rest of 290gb of files.


ORBX Central.JPG


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The file structure is critical, the path must be like this and each product folder should contain

some or all of these files and folders and often more folders.




If you have most of the files, running install works a bit like verify files, in that only the missing files will be added.



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