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Orbx AU v2

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Hello, new to the forum but a long time simmer.

Having just purchased P3D5 its a whole new ball game so i was eager to jump right in. I purchased Orbx AU ver2 for P3Dv5 and opted for the auto install i was very disappointed with the default scenery. But, when starting P3D with the Aerosoft A330 at the gate in Melbourne....it was no different. No gate, no new scenery nothing has changed. Not wishing to tinker can you please offer some advice as to what i am doing wrong.

system, Dell inspiron Radeon card AMD ryzen3 processor windows 10 all current.

ta much.


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welcome to the forums.

Can you show a screen shot of the scenery that you do see please,

other than at Melbourne Airport.

Please include its coordinates, available through pressing Shift and Z,

so that a comparison can be made.


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I wonder if you could instead Y key up, so that some of the Australia v2 scenery is in view.

I do see straight away, that you have Dynamic 3D Autogen Vegetation active, the scenery

will look much better with it inactive.

To see that change, the simualtor has to be restarted after the box is unticked.

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Thanks Nick. It seems to me that the Australia v2 scenery is not active. there is no difference between the original P3d scenery and Orbx scenery i have installed. I can tell because it is exactly the same look. FSX Orbx scenery is magnificent. For a start the buildings in FSX are not just square bits of brick looking things.


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Did you install into an Orbx Central LIbrary, or inside the P3D v5 folder?

Either way, try running Orbx Central\Settings\Help\Sync Simulator.

Wait for the blue banner to turn green and see if things improve.

I have assumed that you have installed the Orbx Libraries already.

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I am also assuming the scenery package included all the eye candy of FSX Orbx packages. Movable gates (Ctrl J), ground vehicles, ground staff, traffic outside the airport, docking lights. All the good stuff. This is what i am seeing.

did the sync thing, got a green light, no difference :(


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the payware airports do most of that.

Typically, regions' airports are enhanced to be as accurate as possible within the constraints

of the resources available from the default simulator and the Orbx Libraries.


Referring to your first screenshot, it does look as if you are only seeing default scenery.

Can I ask you to check that you have the files and folders in the yellow box,




and these scenery library entries:




Having said that, you will see much more detail at any airport  if you increase your

scenery complexity and airport vehicle density.

They must be set very low to produce the shot you posted.

Please keep in mind that I cannot tell what the image is unless you name the airport

or add the coordinates.



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Ok, here is what I have done. Deleted all Orbx scenery files, downloaded and re-installed. Shut down - cold reboot. Full disk defrag (not with the windows default defragger). re started p3d, cranked up display settings to a decent level .Now things look a lot better. Your advice about the file structure really helped, thanks Nick.



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