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Installed new Orbx Airport: P3DV5HF2 doesn't start

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I installed Malmö this morning and found that P3DV5HF2 didn't want to start anymore. I let it try for 15 minutes and then closed P3D with the Task Manager.

After renewing the P3D.cfg and the shaders P3D started again.


Later I installed Pula, same problem again.


Any ideas what could help?



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Something must have changed to upset the P3D coding, could be any number of things.


In circumstances where a P3D just won't start there's the option of using the 'Delete Generated Files' in the P3D root folder, which resets all P3D settings to default.  I like to copy this folder to a safe location and copy it back in, as it has all the Controls settings: C:\Users\John\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5


After using the command, you'll need to Sync the scenery again using the Sync option under Help in Orbx Central.


It's a bit of a time waster but can save time if you can't find the problem elsewhere.

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