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Error could not locate image file for terrain

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Just downloaded xplane and true earth central onto my pc and keep getting this error. it was working fine until I got near Manchester around the UNIGO waypoint I have tried to verify the files maybe 5 times now. 

here is the error from the xplane log


0:13:30.323 I/ATC: Heading 1 1 0, S-76 6XP.
0:13:55.220 I/SCN: DSF load time: 214567 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-004.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:13:55.220 I/SCN: DSF load time: 229292 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-004.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:13:57.426 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2180967 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-004.dsf (254547 tris, 6 skipped for -6.2 m^2)
0:13:58.615 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3358924 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-004.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:13:59.869 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1252361 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-004.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:14:01.637 E/SCN: Failed to find resource '../textures/a3d0xfb20x17.dds', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/terrain/'.
0:14:22.053 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:14:22.053 E/SYS: | Error, could not locate image file for terrain
0:14:22.053 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/terrain/a3d0xfb20x17M.ter
0:14:22.053 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/terrain/
0:14:22.053 E/SYS: | ../textures/a3d0xfb20x17.dds
0:14:22.053 E/SYS: | (REN_terrain.cpp:168)
0:14:22.053 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:14:22.053 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_Normal to state_ShuttingDown

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The message is typical of not having enough free disk space available.
Please read the link  and ensure you meet ALL the requirements.
Particular attention needs to be made to the references to free disk space both on the disk to which downloads go into your Temp folder and the free space required for the installation.
Guides on how to move your Temp  folder if required are also in the link.
Failure to convert the files is a strong indication of not enough free disk space on either the C and also of the message about missing TER and dds files, as in your case.


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