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Get Error Message when trying to Uninstall HolgerMesh and Australia V1

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I am trying to uninstall Australia V1, Holgermesh Australia and  Papua New Guinea.  For Each uninstall I get the Error Message: Nor Response Received.  Message Timed Out.  Is the uninstall similar to the "Unable to update Australia V2 under the FSX forum.  I am running P3Dv4.5.


Thank you,

Peter Woodward


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Hi Peter, I am unsure what is stopping your uninstall but you do not need to uninstall Holgermesh for PNG to install AUV2. You should uninstall AUV1, Tasmania Demo (if you have it installed) and Holgermesh Australia. Might be worth another try on those. If no joy then I am sure one of the Orbx people will help.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry that I took so long in replying.  I have attached the file as requested.  I finally managed to get Australia version2 installed after some fiddling around but I can't remember what I did that worked.  I hope  that attached file will fill in the information that I have forgotten.




Peter Woodward


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